Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Third Word.

      When Charlie Chaplin was at his apogee, it was said that after mommy and daddy the third word a baby learned was Charlie.  I don't know if that is true or not.  But it is a great story and I am going to keep on telling it. I can't remember my third word, can you?
     I hope my third word was love, but I have a sinking suspicion it was me or mine or my or something like that.  Me.  All about me.  That seems to sum up our society.  Why are we so selfish? I would like to be proven wrong.  I would like our third chosen word, and we can choose it now, to be love.  Love was what tied mommy and daddy together and what tied us to them.  Love is  what should bring us together and keep us together.  Love is what is going to heal us and ultimately our nation and world.  So let's love be the third word in our vocabulary and maybe me can come in later. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Everyday.

I have two sad Christmas stories to share.  The first one is about  a little boy I met the day after Christmas in the store I worked at.  I asked him if Santa was good to him on Christmas day.  He looked up at me and said "No.  We are Orthodox and we don't open presents until Jan. 6. "  So I quickly changed the subject.  The second involves a good friend of mine.  We decided to spend Christmas day together since our families were distant to each of us.  My family was half way across the country.  He was the Spiritual Weirdo in his family.  So we were going to watch the original Star Wars trilogy  and have our dinner at a local hotel.  Hotels are always open on Christmas day.  When I got there Bob was ashen and obviously shaken about something.  "My nephew's family was in a car wreck last night.  Three of them died, only my great nephew survived."  At that point I wanted to leave.  I realized lying about a Doctors appointment on Christmas day would be fruitless.  So I stayed.  We watched the Star Wars Trilogy and had our Christmas dinner at a hotel.  I tried to comfort him as best I could.
     Now then, the little boy in the first story did not realize it but he was actually better off opening presents in January.  His family has Christmas in January.  His parents were buying his gifts the day after Christmas on sale.  More presents for him.  He didn't realize it at the time, but maybe he does now.  He has a choice.  Just like we have a choice.  We can celebrate Christmas in December or January.  Or maybe both.  Perhaps he is doing both one Christmas for his family another for his friends.
     The Jehovah's witnesses do not celebrate Christmas as a holiday.  The Jehovah's witnesses have only one holiday.  It is called Sunday.  In a a sense, they celebrate the birth of Christ every Sunday.  They have Christmas every week.  
     What I am suggesting is that we have a little Christmas everyday.  I am suggesting that we give small gifts everyday.  Gifts of understanding and compassion.  Is that not the true meaning of Christmas?  Is that not the Holiday spirit?
     I give gifts every day.  Allowing the motorist in hurry to pass me.