Saturday, March 5, 2011

Half and Half or All in All

I finally finished watching all of the "Half and Half" episodes.  I would have liked to seen it go on for a few more seasons.  But it didn't and I want to address why I think it ended when it did.  It got to a good stopping place.  The series starts out with the two sisters in conflict.  Mona is bitter over being a second class citizen in her own family.  She is insecure. DeeDee wants  to make up for that and have the sister she never had.  The last time we see Mona she is decisive, confident, and smiling.  She is more Rose than Thorn.  DeeDee has the sister she never had and is secure enough to go back to having her own life.  Mona follows the advice of her once distant father "Make your own decisions".  That is a mild form of a theraputic double bind.  If she ignores his advice she has made her own decision and if she follows his advice she has made her own decision.  The NLP people would be proud. Both of the major characters have completed a major portion of the Hero's Journey- the monomyth Joseph Campbell wrote about.  They have arrived at a place of peace with themselves, each other, and their world.  Why not stop there?  By the way, Mona chose Chase over Lorenzo.  Lorenzo is the loser boyfriend from her past, Chase is the successful boyfriend in her future.  Of course the show could've gone on.  More adversity to overcome, challenges at work and in the family.  I look forward to a reunion show when the time is right.  Till then we have the show as it is and the lesson it teaches everyone- keep growing and loving.

In Peace, Love, and Light,