Monday, April 18, 2011


Where to begin?  Somewhere in 1997 I decided to move to Texas.  I need to start before that.  In 1989, my family decided to move to Texas.  I was 23 and thought it was time to move out.  My mother who had urged me to move out changed her mind and asked me to move as well.  The best thing for me to do was to stay in Georgia.  So I did.  I began figuring out about my family.  My Dad is an agnostic, my mother was an atheist.  Neither encouraged my spiritual pursuits.  I started going to church and reading.  I made the decision to write my family off.  Then the sermons started.  About forgiveness.  About putting my family back together  so that my ministry could come together.  There was no distinction between forgiveness and reconcillatiion.  To the the four ministers I listened to they were one and the same.  In fact I was the one designated to save my family from the firey furnace.  So after eight years of homesickness and ministerial guilt trips I moved to Texas.  The plan was for me to live with my parents until I could find an apartment.  That never happened.  I lost my job at Foleys,  because I had transferred my pay rate from Atlanta.  Atlanta has a higher standard of living.  I was overpaid.  To make a long story short, I am disappointed in Texas and my former Lord, Jesus Christ.  And also the New Thought movement that  I had started studying in Georgia.  Texas was not the  place I thought it was.  My friends in Georgia warned my about Texas.  I laughed them off.  I told them Houston was just another suburb of Atlanta.  I told them I would have my life the way I wanted it in six months.  After all I had the leadership of Jesus and the tools of  New Thought.  How could I loose?  Well, Texas ministers have a different spin on things.  They blamed me for moving here, but would not pray for my return to Georgia.  By the way I lost my Georgia friends.  I had to revoke the invitation I had extended them.   And I couldn't afford to call them long distance.  So I am not bummed out on God or religion.  Like Naomi, Joseph, and Job, I have had to develop a new way of looking at God and Religion.  I have found two types of religion that do not work in Texas.  I am grateful for what Christianity did for me in  Georgia.  And for the lessons of New Thought that also worked in Georgia.  But now I am not interested in part-time religions that work in limited geographic areas.  I am interested in a fresh start in a new locale with a new religion.  I am going to California.  My new religion is psychology coupled  with education.  Soon I will have another chance at my dreams.  

In Peace, Love, and Light,