Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Changes life into life.

I was reviewing my private journal for the past two years.  It is like there was two or three of me.  I discovered EFT and changed jobs.  I went to California.  I joined toastmasters.  My theology has been informed and expanded.  I have discovered Milton Erickson's works.  I found Pranic Healing.  My presence on  the internet is growing.  I am exercising regularly. My health feels great.  
     So what is next?  I still want to leave Texas. I still have it in my head that I will start a church.  A new type of church where people are encouraged to study everything. A place where everyone (including me) can continue to grow spiritually.  Texas has been closed doors and crushed dreams.  Crushed but not obliterated.  All the bad things in Texas are my fault according to ministers from two  traditions I no longer follow.  Simply by moving here I created Texas.
     So it is back to square one again.  I  feel empowered.  And I will keep working on myself and my dreams until I die and maybe beyond.

In Light, Love, and Liberty.