Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why Enoch327?

When  I finally got on the internet somewhere around the turn of the millennium, I wanted a name that was me.  What I was about.  I wanted a name that could be as interfaith as possible and religious as possible.  I chose Enoch.
     Enoch is important to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Masons, and Magicians.  Enoch predates Abraham and may have been borrowed from the older Mesopotamian cultures.  There is also a tie in to Egypt.  Enoch may have been an ancient astronaut.  So Enoch is important to many people, I couldn't find a name that was more so.
     Enoch means devoted or dedicated.   I have always tried to be.  Enoch means initiated.  I claim some but not all initiations.  So it is a name that indicates I am growing closer to Spirit.
      Enoch has several titles.  As Metatron,  he is the Chancellor of heaven, the Prince of the Presence, the chief archangel, the governor of earth.   He has also been called the King of the Phoenixes, librarian of heaven, and Keeper of Wisdom.  Supposedly he wrote 365 books.   He started cities and thus civilization.
     Enoch has been connected to gods, angels and humanity.  He is a Saint. He may have been a priest and king.  But I think the most important reason why I chose Enoch as a name is that simple line from the Bible.  "Enoch walked with God."  I can think of no better epitaph.
      The 327 part has to do with March 27.  Certain things happened that day and I made certain decisions that day.   One of my first jobs was at a store that was numbered 327.  The rent on my first apartment was 327 dollars a month.
     So I am Enoch327.  At last count there were three of us on the internet.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I am being ordained by the ULC

I am being ordained by the Universal Life Church.  Again another organization out of California.  At 3:40 pm local time on June 10, 2012, I submitted my application.  It will take a couple of days for them to approve and ordain me.   I already feel as though I am part of the Church.  I don't think this will interfere with my membership in Astara or the Church of the Larger Fellowship, Unitarian Universalist.  So it is another step in my spiritual progression.  Serving Spirit and honoring humanity.