Monday, May 13, 2013

Everything Twice.

    I have said that if you live long enough you see everything twice.  Pakistan is going to have a new Prime Minister.  Most likely the one they had fourteen years ago.  When I worked at Lord and Taylor some fifteen plus years ago we were worried about the impact the discovery of sweat shops would have on our sales.  Yes, even at that time Tommy and Ralphie boy had strange deals with factories in foreign lands.  Every ten years or so we send our kids to war.  Every ten years or so there is another Clinton scandal.
      So are we really progressing?  Is it three steps forward and two steps back?  In China, when they talk about quick change they are talking about a change that may take a generation.   The cycles all look rather bleak.  So what is the use of "Once more with feeling."?
     Yet I am hopeful.  There is a generation coming up that will never know what a desktop or lap top computer is, the developing world is jumping straight into smartphones.  Young people are running circles around the old corporate mindset.  These young people are coming up with solutions in health, education, science and you name it.  New business models are arising that will put both communism and capitalism to shame.
     So I will take three steps forward and two steps back.  I will take as many "Takes" as it takes until we as the human race do progress until the time when Heaven and Earth truly become one.  Until that time when the Universe and everything within it is Glorified.  Until the director yells "Cut and print, that's a wrap."  Yes, everything twice or as many times as it takes.