Thursday, September 5, 2013

Are Syrians my Brothers?

     This Syria business had me perplexed.  For evil to triumph all we have to do is nothing.  And many of us want to do nothing.   And evil seemingly is triumphant in Syria.  A genocide in its first stages.  We are still dealing with borders established by Britain in the wake of WWI.  People who hate each other are forced to live together.
     Obviously I think the Syrians are our brothers and sisters.  And obviously we have the duty to help.  Because we value human life now.  And because we were part of the problem then.  And if we don't do something the evil will track us down.  The Axis powers came after us. We ignored Osama Bin Laden.  And he came after us.  So what to do?
      Diplomacy, sanctions, education have all failed.  The carrot of diplomacy means nothing without the stick of the military to back up.  So now we have to back it up.  I support bombing sorties.  To take out vital military, transportation, communication, and energy infrastructure.  Victory doesn't always mean killing the criminal.  Sometimes it means putting the criminal in prison.  A prison we could name Damascus.  House arrest, if you will.  Give Assad some time to think about his past decisions and his future.
     Will it work?  I think it will.   We bombed Libya and that helped.  And if we can save one village from another sarin attack, I think it will be worth it.  We have done nothing and that hasn't worked.  So let's do something, for Syria's children and essentially for our children.