Monday, May 18, 2015

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Internet Trolls | StarTalk

yada yada yada
First of all, just let me say this. When these Hang outs first started, and we were meeting everyone, Marvin had no alters at all. Why? Because he didn't have it and he was there to learn. He wanted

yada yada yada
First of all, just let me say this. When these Hang outs first started, and we were meeting everyone, Marvin had no alters at all. Why? Because he didn't have it and he was there to learn. He wanted

yada yada yada
First of all, just let me say this. When these Hang outs first started, and we were meeting everyone, Marvin had no alters at all. Why? Because he didn't have it and he was there to learn. He wanted

yada yada yada
+Marvin Scott Edmonds Enoch
I will make you a video kind sir, but you will NOT see my face and you will NOT hear my real voice. On second thought ...NO I will not. Take the truth and heal yourself Mr. You really need it.