Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Third Word.

      When Charlie Chaplin was at his apogee, it was said that after mommy and daddy the third word a baby learned was Charlie.  I don't know if that is true or not.  But it is a great story and I am going to keep on telling it. I can't remember my third word, can you?
     I hope my third word was love, but I have a sinking suspicion it was me or mine or my or something like that.  Me.  All about me.  That seems to sum up our society.  Why are we so selfish? I would like to be proven wrong.  I would like our third chosen word, and we can choose it now, to be love.  Love was what tied mommy and daddy together and what tied us to them.  Love is  what should bring us together and keep us together.  Love is what is going to heal us and ultimately our nation and world.  So let's love be the third word in our vocabulary and maybe me can come in later.