Friday, May 20, 2011

All Possums Great and Small

As nutty as my mother was at times, she consistently demonstrated a love of aninals, all animals-even possums.  My mother the atheist.  Now, I have a "Christian" coworker who prefers to feed her cats at night and outside.  Possums are eating the catfood.  No problem, her husband sets traps for them and then he drowns them.  So far they have murdered 14 possums.  She jokes "the poor things can't learn to swim."  My mother, on the other hand, always put out extra food for possums, racoons, birds, squirrels whatever.  Now I ask you who is more spiritual?  My  late mother the atheist or so called Christians (who use as their justifications the fact that Jesus killed a fig tree) who murder little defenseless animals who pose no danger other than to eat excess catfood?  I think you can kill an animal for dinner or if you are in danger.  Why else kill? 
   We had a possum die on our property the other day.  He was sick and he drug himself between my father's house and my house.  Strange place to choose to die.  I think in a strange way he was trying to say thankyou.  You see, we always fed him.  He was old and somewhat lame.  I would pretend not to see him as hid behind a bench waiting for his dinner.  I would put the food out and go back into the house.  Then I would watch him eat. With the cats, sharing.  We buried him in the cat graveyard. And we will feed whatever family he has left.  In honor of my mother and against the wishes of sicko "Christians".  Dead possum, say hello to Mom.  She has a place for you in her heaven.

In Light,

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