Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin Murder and Cover up

All the details are not known.  Hopefully more will come out.  So that we will know the truth.
Supposedly, Trayvon's body was left in a morgue for three days.  Three days for the body to grow cold and the trail to grow cold. Three days to cover up a murder.
    I wish we had more information.  I wish we could see what the GPS systems in either or both of  cellphones saw.  Would they show Trayvon trying to get back to his Dad's house and being blocked from getting there?  Would they show Zimmerman chasing Trayvon after being told not to?
    I wish we had more information.  I wish we had the conversations between Zimmerman and Trayvon.  Did Zimmerman identify himself as the captain of the neighborhood watch?  Was Trayvon allowed to explain that he was a guest of his father and that his father owned a home there?  I wonder if Zimmerman offered to walk Trayvon back to his house and to meet his father to confirm  Trayvon's story?
     I wish we new what the police officers were thinking when they let Zimmerman go and decided Trayvon was a John Doe even with a cellphone that could have quickly led to his identification.  I wonder why they wanted three days space between the death and the discovery of the death.  Time for Zimmerman's "wounds" to heal?  Time for Trayvon's body to deteriorate so that more evidence could evaporate?  I wonder why they decided not to talk to witnesses and Trayvon's girlfriend?  Yet they wanted Trayvon's school records.  It doesn't make sense.  Unless there was a cover up.
   If I were the Gov. of Florida I would suspend the entire Sanford police force.  I would have the national guard and state troopers patrol the streets of that city.  And I would tell the national guard to keep one eye on the state troopers.
     It was racism and it was murder and there was a coverup.  Somebody tell me that a white guy in a hoodie would have been  labeled a John Doe and hidden away for three days.  Somebody tell me that the Sanford PD had a disdain for all shooting victims.
    I could be wrong.  Somebody please tell me that justice wasn't shot that night.  Somebody, anybody?

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