Thursday, April 19, 2012

Three Grandmothers

     I had three grandmothers.  Well not really.  I had one grandmother I knew.  One I never knew.  And a Great Aunt who took the place of the grandmother who died 12 years before  I was born.
     My "Mamaw" Keith was the one I knew.  She was a great lady and very spiritual.  She liked to say that she had six grandchildren and she loved all of them the same.  Yet she adapted her love to our needs.  She saved the Clinton Courier for my mom so my mom could read it on the weekends.  Very sweet and kind lady.
     My father's mother was bitten by a rabid fox and died 12 years before my birth.  Even so I felt a connection. She took French and I took French.  The story of how she died is amazing.  Actually there are two stories.  A sanitized version and a more accurate one.
   My great aunt Sarah Lou Trentham was like a grandmother to me.  As a little kid, I called her aunt Sir Lou.  She didn't seem to mind.  She could cook from scratch a homemade breakfast about as fast as it would take to microwave a frozen breakfast.  Also very sweet and spiritual.
     So that is an introduction to my three "grandmothers".  I will write more about them by and by.

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