Thursday, June 6, 2013

Peace in Every Step

     It dawned on me the other day that I don't get into very many arguments anymore.  I prefer discussions.  I used to love a good argument.  But now it seems that I value peace even more.  Also most of my values are set so that I don't feel the need to defend them.  Or to see that they are defensible.  Yes, we can have peace in every step.
      I think part of it is maturity.  You get to a certain age and you ask yourself "What is the point?"  Why waste energy on fighting when the same energy allows you to create something.  Certainly, it is an inside stop.  I have raised my vibration such that "those" people are not attracted to me.   Or maybe they are and I have learned  how to de-escalate the situation.   Or maybe I cut short our interaction.
     So if you think in the language of peace eventually you will have peace in your life.  It is language that determines the parameters of our behavior.  In Hindu there are many more spiritual words than in English.  We could say that there are more possible expressions of spirituality than in English.  So if we reform our personal language to include more peace words and less hate words then I think we can definitely have peace in every step.
     So we ourselves can load the dice.  Load them with peace.  In every step.

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