Sunday, August 21, 2011

Energy Medicine; Jesus killed a fig tree.

There are two accounts of Jesus killinng the fig tree.  One in Mark and one in Matthew.  In one they notice they fig tree is withered instantly, in the other they do not notice until the next day.  Both could be correct.  Jesus could have killed the tree and some saw it on a psychic level, the rest saw it on the physical level the next day.   I have never fully understood this story.  Figs are not in season.  You are hungry, so you curse a fig tree.  And it dies.  Where is the sense?  It sounds like an arrogant leader not being green.  
    But what if Jesus knew that this fig tree would never bear fruit because it was a hybrid or a mutation?  What if Jesus knew that trees are natural storehouses of "chi" (the unniversal life force)?  What if Jesus needed that chi to drive out the money changers from the temple?   Then it makes more sense to me.  "Have faith in God"  said Jesus.  In Pranic Healing setting an intention is very important and very simple.  Could this be the faith Jesus spoke about?  Sometimes we make things harder than they should be.
     I am thinking of starting a healing ministry of some sort.  I could help people.  It would include what I love doing.  Speaking and ministering.  Studying and coaching.  Travelling and writing.  We'll see what happens.  I promise not to kill any fig trees, unless there is an emergency.

In Light,

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