Thursday, August 11, 2011

Travel Lessons

These are the top ten things I learned from my travels to California and back.
1.  It rains in New Mexico and Arizona in the summertime.
2. Driving has become fun again.
3. At 45 I am more welcoming of change then I was at 25.
4. I am stronger and more resilient than I thought I was.
5. I began studying a new healing modality.  Soon I will have a new implement in my toolbox.  For my wellbeing as well as the health of those around me. Pranic Healing.
6.Geography matters.  The place where you pray and the place where God can answer your prayer may not be the same place.  Sometimes to grow to your potential you may have to transplant yourself.
7.  My brother, in spirit, is still on my team.  There were times when I felt like he was in the truck with me.  Especially, when something prompted me to listen to rock stations. Rock music was his favorite.  Not my first choice when driving.  It may have been my imagination on a long trip.  But I choose to believe that it may have been my brother in spirit.
8.  West Texas smells like oil, has miles of windmills, and has plenty of sun to generate solar power.  It is energy country.  One way or another we Americans will innovate our way to energy independence.
9.  Have plans, but be flexible enough to change them.  I wanted to sleep in West Texas and drive through central Texas to get to back to the Houston area.  Instead I got a 3 hour nap in Abilene and drove thru the Dallas area.
10.  I don't plan to stop learning and growing until the death of my body, and maybe not even then. I know much.  There is still even more I need to learn and experience.  This trip has multiplied my hope. I still have a future.  And travel will be a part of that future.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

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