Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Healing Class Ideas.

I think I would like the class to be composed of ten modules.  So basically a ten week or ten part class.   People could take it more than once if they wanted more than one healing.
1.  Healing and the modality of prayer.
2. The healing modality of NLP and hypnosis.
3. The healing modality of eft.
4. The healing power of diet and exercise.
5.  The healing power of eft.
6. The healing power of pranic healing and laying on of hands.
7. The healing power of vision boards.
8.  The healing power of meditation and visualization.
9.  The healing modality of rational thinking.
10.  The healing power of forgiveness and conclusion.

Thoughts on Ohio School Shooting

This blog may be premature, for clearly all the facts are not in.  But let me proceed anyway.  There have been varied reports about the shooter whose name has just been released. (So evidently  he is to be tried as an adult.)
    One report says he had been bullied.  What we know for sure was that he was isolated, either by his choosing to be a loner or by being ignored by his peers.  There is no excuse for his murdering three people and injuring countless others.  I am counting emotional injuries here.  But there is a part of me that wonders if a little respect wouldn't have prevented this tragedy.
     When I moved to Alpharetta Ga., I was invited to joined the MLO club.  MLO stood for Milton Liberation Organization.  Milton was the name of the High School.  The MLO club was for outsiders who had moved into the area.  There were alot of us and we stuck together.  The MLO club basically helped me become president of the junior class.  The point is that we were outsiders who found respect and appreciation amongst ourselves.
      We had smokers at Milton High School.  They were another group of outsiders.  During pep rallies they would sit high up in the bleachers when the rest of us would sit by  classes beneath them. They were a class unto themselves. The smokers actually won the spirit stick for being the loudest in the pep rally. The cheerleaders gave them their due. Yes a little respect goes along away.
     I had a classmate at my first high school that was a trouble maker. I was in at least two of his classes.  So I knew he was a trouble maker.  But in earth science he was no bother. The teacher gave him a strange kind of respect.  She would look at him and say "Junior, you are rotten to the core."  Junior would smile. And behave himself, for that class at least.  Yes, a little respect goes along way.
    Now, we don't know the full details of what was going on in Ohio.  But there is no such thing as wasted respect.  If I had children I would try to teach them to respect everyone, even and especially if they don't like them.   When Leo Buscaglia  was chided for loving everyone his come back was "Who should I leave out?"  My question today is who should we leave out of the loop of respect?

In Peace, Love, and Light,

Thursday, February 9, 2012


His name was Mike.  No one wanted to work with Mike.  Mike was nuts.  He used to sneak up on his work station.  He would hide behind a shelf.  He would look around to make sure the coast was clear.  Then he would go to his work station and commence work.
    One day the foreman asked me if I would work with Mike.  I said sure.  I had heard that Mike had gone through a lot of therapy and I wanted to learn.   So we would work and talk and work and talk.  The foreman walked by with a funny look on his face.  Like maybe I was nuts too.  He might've been right.
     Mike and his stepmother had been counseled by numerous therapists representing most of the various schools of psychology.  So I got to learn from Mike about all of that.  About what had worked and what didn't work.  Most of the details I have forgotten,  but I will never forget the talk we had about babies.
     "Mike", I said, "How come you and your wife don't have any babies?"
     "Scott",  he said. "It's like this, My wife is my baby and I am her baby.  We take care of each other."
And I thought to myself what a great answer.  Not everyone is meant to have children.  For some people taking care of themselves is a challenge.  If they can find some one to mutually care for then so much the better.
    I quit that job to go back to school.  The factory eventually closed and I lost track of Mike.  But in my heart of hearts I know he and his baby are taking care of each other.  So thanks Mike.  Thanks for the conversation and the wisdom.  Now I've got to look around and make sure the coast is clear.  Okay, back to work.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Buckets of God

      Imagine a lake surrounded by buckets of water.  Each bucket is labeled according to a mindset.   Atheism, agnosticism, all the forms of Christianity, all the world religions.  There are small buckets for small independent groups.
      I am standing in front of a bucket where the label is damaged.  There is note that I can read it says: "Thou shalt have no other bucket than me.  I am the only bucket.  The lake behind me is a Satanic illusion."  I go to another bucket.  It says "Lucifer tried to place his bucket in the lake.  He was sent to Hell for all eternity."
    Well I abide by my bucket's admonition.  On hot days I take some water out to cool myself.  It works for awhile.  Some days the water runs low, but it refills slowly.  What I really want to do is splash in the lake behind my bucket.  Do I risk losing the water in my bucket for what may be an illusion?
      I have been looking for a reality that is bigger than all the arguments about God and over God. Bigger than concepts about God.  Bigger than concepts.  The closest I have come is something I am calling "Infinite Light".  The infinite light doesn't care if we call it God or not.  It doesn't even care if we call it.   It doesn't care if we find it or not.  It just is.
     So yes I am going behind my bucket to see what is there.  If I am wrong, well there are still a lot of half empty buckets laying around.  But don't be surprised if you hear a splash.

In Peace, Love, and Light,