Sunday, February 5, 2012

Buckets of God

      Imagine a lake surrounded by buckets of water.  Each bucket is labeled according to a mindset.   Atheism, agnosticism, all the forms of Christianity, all the world religions.  There are small buckets for small independent groups.
      I am standing in front of a bucket where the label is damaged.  There is note that I can read it says: "Thou shalt have no other bucket than me.  I am the only bucket.  The lake behind me is a Satanic illusion."  I go to another bucket.  It says "Lucifer tried to place his bucket in the lake.  He was sent to Hell for all eternity."
    Well I abide by my bucket's admonition.  On hot days I take some water out to cool myself.  It works for awhile.  Some days the water runs low, but it refills slowly.  What I really want to do is splash in the lake behind my bucket.  Do I risk losing the water in my bucket for what may be an illusion?
      I have been looking for a reality that is bigger than all the arguments about God and over God. Bigger than concepts about God.  Bigger than concepts.  The closest I have come is something I am calling "Infinite Light".  The infinite light doesn't care if we call it God or not.  It doesn't even care if we call it.   It doesn't care if we find it or not.  It just is.
     So yes I am going behind my bucket to see what is there.  If I am wrong, well there are still a lot of half empty buckets laying around.  But don't be surprised if you hear a splash.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

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