Thursday, February 9, 2012


His name was Mike.  No one wanted to work with Mike.  Mike was nuts.  He used to sneak up on his work station.  He would hide behind a shelf.  He would look around to make sure the coast was clear.  Then he would go to his work station and commence work.
    One day the foreman asked me if I would work with Mike.  I said sure.  I had heard that Mike had gone through a lot of therapy and I wanted to learn.   So we would work and talk and work and talk.  The foreman walked by with a funny look on his face.  Like maybe I was nuts too.  He might've been right.
     Mike and his stepmother had been counseled by numerous therapists representing most of the various schools of psychology.  So I got to learn from Mike about all of that.  About what had worked and what didn't work.  Most of the details I have forgotten,  but I will never forget the talk we had about babies.
     "Mike", I said, "How come you and your wife don't have any babies?"
     "Scott",  he said. "It's like this, My wife is my baby and I am her baby.  We take care of each other."
And I thought to myself what a great answer.  Not everyone is meant to have children.  For some people taking care of themselves is a challenge.  If they can find some one to mutually care for then so much the better.
    I quit that job to go back to school.  The factory eventually closed and I lost track of Mike.  But in my heart of hearts I know he and his baby are taking care of each other.  So thanks Mike.  Thanks for the conversation and the wisdom.  Now I've got to look around and make sure the coast is clear.  Okay, back to work.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

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