Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MLK's Dream plus 49 years.

      We celebrate Dr. King's birthday.  We remember the day he died.   Today is perhaps the third most important day in his life.  The day he shared his dream with the world.
     What would the fourth most important day be?  There would lots of choices for that fourth day.  The day he married.  The day his first child was born.  Maybe it was the day of his baptism, ordination, or when he got his doctorate.  Maybe it was when he got his first pastorate or got his first book published.  Maybe it was the day he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes many choices for that day.
    I want to propose that the fourth most important day was the day he refused to give up on his faith.  We don't know exactly when that day was but we do know it happened.  There was a time at Morehouse college when Dr. King questioned his faith.   I imagine a phone conversation between Dr. Benjamin Mays and Martin Luther King Sr. :
MLK Sr.-  Hello.
Dr. Mays- Reverend King?
MLK Sr.- This is he.
Dr. Mays-  This Dr. Mays from Morehouse college.I am sorry to bother you, but we have a problem with Martin.
MLK Sr.-Problem?  Is it his grades?  Is he cutting class?
Dr. Mays-No, Reverend King, it is his faith.  He is starting to question the Bible.  He thinks it may be a collection of fairy tales.  He is thinking of leaving the Church, forgoing his ministry.
MLK Sr.-  Oh no.  This must never happen.  My son has a gift from God.  We've got to do all we can to keep him in the Church.
Dr. Mays- I have a plan. I am going to tell him that the Bible doesn't have to be taken literally.  That there are other ways to interpret it.  Metaphorical ways.
MLK Sr. -  Do you think it will work?
Dr. Mays - I think it might.

     It worked.  Dr. King became even more dedicated to his faith, church, and ministry.   And there were other days when he refused to give up on his faith.  When the porch was blown off his house.  When he was stabbed.  When he was arrested.   Whenever someone was injured or died for the sake of the Civil Rights movement.  Throughout the tough days of his life he refused to give up on his faith.  His faith in God, himself and his dream.
     So what is the take away?  What is the call to action?   The take away is that the most important days in our lives are the day we were born, the day we die, the day we dedicate ourselves to a  dream,  and the days we refuse to give up our faith.
     So the call to action is simply to keep the faith in your dreams, to refuse to give up.  And then to do something to extend the dreams.  Your personal dreams and the dream of Dr. King.  May we keep the Dream all the days of our lives.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Creating Thoughtforms or Magick Egregores

     Pinocchio, the Velveteen Rabbit, The Golem, Pygmalion.   These are all stories and legends about artificial lifeforms.  Artificial lifeforms have been called servitors, egregores. artificial elementals, and various other terms.
      Some are consciously made like corporations, societies, and churches.  Some are not like poltergeists.  Some it is hard to tell, like music, novels, and  characters.
     They all start with a thought.  They all eventually take on a life of their own.  A life that can last beyond the life of the founder(s).  They can evolve over time.  Would Ford recognize his company now?   Or John Wesley his church?
      I  first became aware of servitors in the works of Al Manning.  He wrote a lot of books for Parker/Reward which  I think has been bought and sold so many times that it no longer exist.  (An egregore that may no longer live.)  Servitors were used as personal helper.  Watchers to spy on people and wards to guard things and places.  The tombs of the Pharaohs may have been protected by such methods.
    My favorite book about servitor creation is "Summoning Spirits, the Art of Magical Evocation" by Konstantinos.  There is no shortage of literature on this subject.  Too much to list here.
     You can organize your staff of egregores like a cabinet or a corporate staff. Ideas for servitors can come from spell books.  The servitors that work the best for me are  the ones that work on me.  On my personality.  Helping me to shape my character.  The only limits are in one's imagination.
    Well, that is enough for now.  Perhaps more later.

People's Capitalism

Let's say your corporation needed a government bailout.  A bank, auto maker etc.   Let's say that in order to get a bailout your corporation had to give ten per cent of your stock to a federal agency to be held in trust for the American people.  Let's say that the agency got to appoint one director to your board.  let's say that in lieu of taxes your company paid dividends directly into the US treasury.  Let's say this arrangement lasted in perpetuity.
      That would be a powerful incentive not to screw up.  Just saying.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where to next?

     I am at another crossroads.  Not a physical one, but an emotional one.   What is my next step?  I think it will include some more psychology and energy medicine.   And of course spirituality.
     More psychology.   I want to review some of the old material on Transactional Analysis and Codependency.  I want to make sure my head is on straight.  And I am still learning stuff about myself and others.  I suppose that doesn't stop until I am dead. And maybe not even then.  I want to learn stuff and techniques that will take me to the next level.  This includes....
     Energy medicine.  I have done a lot with Reiki, Pranic Healing, and EFT.  I feel like I am at zero.  Born again with the slate wiped clean.  So it is like starting over.   I have erased some of my old belief structures and the new ones are not fully in place.  So back to the old methods and hopefully some new ones to keep me going on my path, which is one of ....
     Spirituality.   The ancient questions of where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do still linger.  I know I am supposed to be in some kind of ministry.  To be a champion and conveyor of encouragement.  In a church?  In a seminar?  Still trying to figure it out.  And where the hell I am supposed to be?  Texas, Georgia, California.   I can't seem to be able to break out of Texas.  The Georgia of my past no longer exists.  And the energy in California felt so good.  Yet jobs and housing are so dear.   So it must be a fourth place I am supposed to move to.  Need to do some work to find out.  And I need to stop trusting people who keep trying to shove their own theology down my throat.   I need to keep developing my own theology.
    So here I am, a little confused about what to do next.  Yet hopeful that the next step will be in the right direction.