Sunday, August 12, 2012

Creating Thoughtforms or Magick Egregores

     Pinocchio, the Velveteen Rabbit, The Golem, Pygmalion.   These are all stories and legends about artificial lifeforms.  Artificial lifeforms have been called servitors, egregores. artificial elementals, and various other terms.
      Some are consciously made like corporations, societies, and churches.  Some are not like poltergeists.  Some it is hard to tell, like music, novels, and  characters.
     They all start with a thought.  They all eventually take on a life of their own.  A life that can last beyond the life of the founder(s).  They can evolve over time.  Would Ford recognize his company now?   Or John Wesley his church?
      I  first became aware of servitors in the works of Al Manning.  He wrote a lot of books for Parker/Reward which  I think has been bought and sold so many times that it no longer exist.  (An egregore that may no longer live.)  Servitors were used as personal helper.  Watchers to spy on people and wards to guard things and places.  The tombs of the Pharaohs may have been protected by such methods.
    My favorite book about servitor creation is "Summoning Spirits, the Art of Magical Evocation" by Konstantinos.  There is no shortage of literature on this subject.  Too much to list here.
     You can organize your staff of egregores like a cabinet or a corporate staff. Ideas for servitors can come from spell books.  The servitors that work the best for me are  the ones that work on me.  On my personality.  Helping me to shape my character.  The only limits are in one's imagination.
    Well, that is enough for now.  Perhaps more later.

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