Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where to next?

     I am at another crossroads.  Not a physical one, but an emotional one.   What is my next step?  I think it will include some more psychology and energy medicine.   And of course spirituality.
     More psychology.   I want to review some of the old material on Transactional Analysis and Codependency.  I want to make sure my head is on straight.  And I am still learning stuff about myself and others.  I suppose that doesn't stop until I am dead. And maybe not even then.  I want to learn stuff and techniques that will take me to the next level.  This includes....
     Energy medicine.  I have done a lot with Reiki, Pranic Healing, and EFT.  I feel like I am at zero.  Born again with the slate wiped clean.  So it is like starting over.   I have erased some of my old belief structures and the new ones are not fully in place.  So back to the old methods and hopefully some new ones to keep me going on my path, which is one of ....
     Spirituality.   The ancient questions of where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do still linger.  I know I am supposed to be in some kind of ministry.  To be a champion and conveyor of encouragement.  In a church?  In a seminar?  Still trying to figure it out.  And where the hell I am supposed to be?  Texas, Georgia, California.   I can't seem to be able to break out of Texas.  The Georgia of my past no longer exists.  And the energy in California felt so good.  Yet jobs and housing are so dear.   So it must be a fourth place I am supposed to move to.  Need to do some work to find out.  And I need to stop trusting people who keep trying to shove their own theology down my throat.   I need to keep developing my own theology.
    So here I am, a little confused about what to do next.  Yet hopeful that the next step will be in the right direction.

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