Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Dream Ticket for President

The problem with our current system of politics seems to be, seems to me,  that there is more interest in perpetuating the system rather than solving our problems.  It is more reactionary than proactive.  It is gradualism and delay.  We started with a Revolution and wound up with something that falls short of evolution.  And I have a solution, maybe.
      I would love to see a ticket that consisted of Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku nominated for president. Tyson-Kaku or Kaku-Tyson.  It would not matter, and they would not care.  They are scientists and educators.  They are problem solvers, not prestige seekers.  They would rather have a solution rather than the credit for the solution.
     My guess is that it would take them about a year to solve our problems.  They would first have to give the Congress and Cabinet heads assignments to keep them busy for that year.  Like fact finding missions and things like that. Then they would call in their friends  from science, technology, engineering and  math.  These "STEM" experts could then start to fix our broken systems.   Yeah I think it would take about one year. Because I think they know and we know that most of the answers  to our problems are common sense.  When you ask the question the right way , the answer becomes apparent. These guys would ask the right questions.  Then practicality not politics would prevail.
    After that year these two men could go back to being scientists and educators.  Then the Congress and Cabinet could come back.  They would spend the next three years mucking things up again.  Well it was a nice idea.

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