Saturday, November 10, 2012

Faith Healers Great and Small

    I think faith healers have a gift of healing.  I don't think it is as large as people want it to be and I don't dismiss it like some skeptics do.
     I liked Oral Roberts.  I would have never sent him a dime.  But I appreciated his ministry.  The problem comes when he claims or is pushed into healings he can't accomplish.  Let's say I can heal colds.  One touch from me and your child's cold vanishes.  The family down the street brings their child and expects me to heal it from cancer.  So we put on a show and pretend that the cancer is in remission.  This works for awhile.  Then the child dies.  This we do not publicize.  That would just bring people down, beside I can still heal colds and we all have bills to pay.  So the legend continues.
     I guess my real problem with faith healers is that they don't know or deny they are practicing energy healing.  They would have to redefine Christianity and allow that other religions are just as valid as  it is.
    So it is up to us to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.  Individual  people sorting things out for themselves.  So yes I believe in faith healing.  I believe in a lot more.  I believe in your ability to think for yourselves.

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