Sunday, November 25, 2012

Simply Jesus

    Who or what is Jesus?  I am not going to give all the answers or even my answer.  I had a friend who thought a lot about Jesus, and so I will give one of his answers.
     Bob was (is) an Episcopalian and a one time deacon in the Liberal Catholic Church.  He had studied all kinds of psychology and spirituality.  He could write volumes on what Jesus might or might not have been.  He told me that every church had a Jesus.  A thoughtform or egregore that answered the prayers of the church members as best it could.  He told me that he could see these thoughtforms.  Like the one he saw at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.  Bob said it appeared in the form of a giant white dove that hovered over the congregation during a Christmas celebration.
    He also told me that these local thoughtforms were part of larger thoughtforms.  A parish thoughtform was part of a diocese thoughtform, which was part of a denominational thoughtform which was part of a unversal thoughtform for everything labeled Christianity.  Like a very confusing federal form of governance.
    I think there something to what Bob told me.  There is a scripture that says we live, move and have our being in Jesus.  So why not?  Many layers, but still simply Jesus.

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