Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Get Together by The Youngbloods performed by Groovy Judy

Book Review: The February Man by Erickson and Rossi

Book Review: They Killed Our President by Jesse Ventura

Book Review | They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons....by Jesse Ventura

World Philosophy Day 2014: Enoch's address

On Choosing Animation for a Reenactment

Cherokee National Youth Choir wins national contest and $10,000 prize

Unexpected Snow Day!!!

November 16, 2014 | Rev. Michael Gott | The Evolution of the Soul | Unit...

November 16, 2014 | God Alternatives | Rev. Howard Caesar | Unity of Hou...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Five Spiritual Fathers

     This won't be long.  I just want to list the five men who are, for lack of a better term, my spiritual fathers.
1. Dr. Martin Luther King
2. Dr. Milton Erickson
3. Dr. Leo Buscaglia
4. Dr. Napoleon Hill
5. Joseph Campbell
I have most of their books.  I consider them heroes, teachers, and advisers.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forgiveness is Always Fashionable

     I graduated high school in 1983.  I graduated from the third high school I attended.  And for thirty years I resented my parents for making me go to three high schools.  My unforgiving spirit didn't hurt them, it hurt me.
     This morning in meditation the thought came to me: "Who hangs out with there high school buddies thirty years on?"  Seriously, most people have moved on.  Many are glad they are no longer connected to their high schools.  So I, like everyone else, would have drifted away from high school anyway.  I would have gone away to college anyway.  I would have  found new friends anyway.  The grudge against my parents only slowed me down.
      I wish  I had practiced forgiveness earlier.  It is for us, not the offender.  There is a freedom in forgiveness like dropping unneeded weight.  So I need more practice at forgiveness and I need to practice more forgiveness.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Philosophy First

     I want to jot down some rough ideas on why I have chosen "Philosophy First" as my affirmation-theme-motto for this year.  
     First of all I think philosophy will help me more than religion and psychology will.  I still value those two subjects, but I think there is a greater benefit to the study of philosophy.  For instance, logic can help determine bad elements of religion and psychology.
     Secondly, philosophy is a perch by which I can study whatever I want to study.  And perhaps take a more reasoned approach to my studies.  Philosophy has a deep history of parenting subjects and being a foster parent to others.
     Thirdly, adopting a philosophy that is right for you will help you go through life.  I now consider myself a moderate egoist.  That means my first consideration is myself.  It doesn't mean that my only or last consideration is myself.  It means I think about myself and then factor everyone and everything else in.  Of course I want my philosophy to be open and growing.
    So those are reasons why I chose to go back to my philosophic roots.   I see philosophy as a tree.  It has heartwood principles that do not change, branches that are ever growing, and leaves that drop as needed. So philosophy first it is.