Saturday, January 18, 2014

Philosophy First

     I want to jot down some rough ideas on why I have chosen "Philosophy First" as my affirmation-theme-motto for this year.  
     First of all I think philosophy will help me more than religion and psychology will.  I still value those two subjects, but I think there is a greater benefit to the study of philosophy.  For instance, logic can help determine bad elements of religion and psychology.
     Secondly, philosophy is a perch by which I can study whatever I want to study.  And perhaps take a more reasoned approach to my studies.  Philosophy has a deep history of parenting subjects and being a foster parent to others.
     Thirdly, adopting a philosophy that is right for you will help you go through life.  I now consider myself a moderate egoist.  That means my first consideration is myself.  It doesn't mean that my only or last consideration is myself.  It means I think about myself and then factor everyone and everything else in.  Of course I want my philosophy to be open and growing.
    So those are reasons why I chose to go back to my philosophic roots.   I see philosophy as a tree.  It has heartwood principles that do not change, branches that are ever growing, and leaves that drop as needed. So philosophy first it is.

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