Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forgiveness is Always Fashionable

     I graduated high school in 1983.  I graduated from the third high school I attended.  And for thirty years I resented my parents for making me go to three high schools.  My unforgiving spirit didn't hurt them, it hurt me.
     This morning in meditation the thought came to me: "Who hangs out with there high school buddies thirty years on?"  Seriously, most people have moved on.  Many are glad they are no longer connected to their high schools.  So I, like everyone else, would have drifted away from high school anyway.  I would have gone away to college anyway.  I would have  found new friends anyway.  The grudge against my parents only slowed me down.
      I wish  I had practiced forgiveness earlier.  It is for us, not the offender.  There is a freedom in forgiveness like dropping unneeded weight.  So I need more practice at forgiveness and I need to practice more forgiveness.

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