Sunday, October 10, 2010

Visit to Old Church

I went to the First Church of Divine Science in Houston.  Divine Science is a New Thought denomination, however first church is not a New Thought Church.  It is a Spiritualist Church.  A member of the National Association of Spiritualist Churches. It is one of the churches I served in as a speaker and  lay minister. Wherever I go on Sunday mornings spirit meets me there.  Today was no exception.  I was looking at some of my notebooks yesterday.  Goal statements from 15-20 years ago.  Some of them came to pass, most did not.  (Somewhere I have a note book of Science of Mind treatments that didn't come to pass either.)  Why? Why can I treat, affirm, pray, visualize and my goals do not come to pass?  In Christianity the pat answer is sin or it's not God's will or God's best.  In New Thought, the pat answer would be one is not ready for it or negative thinking negated the request.  I asked for Sundays off so that I could attend and serve in church.  I spent the next few  years working 9 Sundays out of 10. The Christian, New Thought answers don't cut it. In fact they are insulting.  I did serve in two churches,  why couldn't I continue to do that?  I got a better answer this morning.  Sacrifice.  We have to make sacrifices sometimes.  They are not pleasant or wanted.  Yet on some level they are required.  They help to build our character.  And with patience maybe some of our goals do get achieved in ways we can't even imagine.  I have pretty much given up on Churches.  But the universe has opened up a new venue for me.  Toastmasters.  I can continue to speak and minister in a new way. And I have stopped judging people for not having the life I expect them to have.  There maybe a reason for it that I can not even fathom . My personal message from spirit this morning was kind of strange.  The dear lady that gave it to me said she saw me walking around in the dark with a group of people.  I was urging them to stop until we could figure out where we were.  I made a torch and lit it.  She said my job is to be a light so that others can do what they know to do.  There's alot of symbology in the message and it will take me awhile to sort it all out.  But a good message none the less.  On an unrelated note Houston now has two Spiritulist Churches again like it was in the past.  Okay that's a rap for now.

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