Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visiting Carmel Temple

Today I got to go to church again.  I decided to go to a place I had never been before.  It is on the south side of Houston, a little over an hour away.  The church is 40 years old.  One of the founders still helps to run it.  She led us in prayer, meditation, and opened up the floor for sharing time. Did I mention she is 92 years old?  She has her marbles and her health.  Her faith is working for her.  I talked during sharetime.  I spoke about how I am ready for the universe to show me what my next step is on  my spiritual journey. The main speaker spoke on the history of alternative/complementary medicine.  To him it is niether alternative nor complementary, but the original form of medicine.  Hospitals were set up to help the poor,elderly, and strangers.  There was no charge.  It was all free, and Government played no part in it. Private institutions took care of everything (mostly churches and/or religious orders). This form of medicine still exists-under the name of pastoral medicine.  And yes there is still no charge.  As an aside, if the conservatives would come up with a plan that would insure everyone, I would go for it.  Gingrich and his crowd have had nearly 20 years to come up with something and they have come up with  a goose egg.  Government by default must provide healthcare.  Even the Pope thinks national governments have that duty.  Okay, back to Carmel.  Several people spoke during share time.  One sweet lady talked about overcoming cancer.  She had stage 3 cancer of some sort.  She was given 1 year to live.  She was told chemo was her only chance.  Her family wrote her off.  That was 1997.  She overcame her family, her doctors, and her cancer.  And  not one iota of chemo. She looks wonderful.  There was a guy who spoke about being dead for 4 hours.  He talked to Jesus and straightened out on his life purpose.  When he woke up, they were about to perform an autopsy on him.  He looks well now.  This church considers itself a Christian church.  But it is an Essene-Gnostic-Esoteric Christian church. Fast forward to healing time.  We  formed a circle and people who wanted healing sat in chairs in the middle of the circle. We extended our hands and sent energy.  This sounds strange, but I could feel the energy in the room.  Everyone was empowered,  Healers and healees.  Spirit know no limits and there is energy for everyone.  Next came hugging time. I was somewhat uncomfortable.  Last time I wanted to hug a stranger in a darkened room- well, let's just say it was over fifteen years ago in a nightclub and I nearly got slapped.  My church will substitute handshake time for hugging time.  But that was the only thing I didn't like.  I had a good time.  And my faith is being restored such that I may be ready to start a church.  I can almost see it.  Carmel North, maybe?

In Peace, Love, and Light,

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