Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Ideal Day as a Minister

12 to 5 am sleep.
5 to 6:30  coffee, exercise, shower, dress, news
6:30 to 7 meditation
7 to 7:55 coffee, breakfast, planning
7:55 to 8 walk down the hall to my office.
8 to 12 noon  Closed office hours.  Study,  research, prepare sermons, etc.
12 noon to 1 pm.  light lunch, 15 minute nap, news update, etc.
1 to 5 Open office hours.  Meetings, counseling, being a chaplain, etc.
5 to 5:05  walk down the hall to my living quarters.
5:05 to 6 pm chores, prepare supper.
6 to 9  eat, TV, computer time, etc.
9 to 10 read.
10pm to 12  midnight. meditate and sleep.

I also want to block out time for one or two Toastmasters meetings a week.  Want to be a part of one energy healing circle a week. And of course being in Wed. night and Sun. morning services at church.  Would love to eat out twice a week.  Pretty boring, but that is how I want to order my life.

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