Sunday, May 27, 2012

Top Ten Critical Choices

Question from the book Self Matters by Dr. Phil McGraw.  (My answers 2006)
1. Moving out 1989
2. Going to North Georgia College 1984
3.Running for Class President 1981
4. Choosing to figure myself out 1986
5. Moving to Texas 1997
6. Emotionally shutting down my senior year of high school. 1982
7. Going to Gainesville Jr. College 1984
8. Going to UGA 1986
9. Dropping out of UGA 1990
10, Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior 1984

As of 2012 there are some additions I would like to make.
1. Attending Perimeter Presbyterian Church 1990.
2, Joining First Baptist Church Atlanta 1992?
3. Deciding to become a minister 1996.
4. Losing faith in Christ 2000.
5. Joining Spiritual Life Church and becoming an officer-lay minister 2002
6. Joining First Church of Divine Science, Houston and serving on the platform 2004.
7. Going to support groups 1989.
8. Going to work for Sam's Club 2001.
9. Going to work for Sear's 1986.
10. Going to California 2011

There are others but I am trying to limit myself to ten.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Four "S" Steps to Spiritual Development

      Most if not all of us want to grow spiritually.  There are many ways and methods of doing this.  I have found that there are several common concepts in virtually all ways.  The four concepts I want to discuss are Silence, Study, Service, and Sacrifice.  These four are not the comprehensive list. And these four blend into each other.
     So silence is first on my list, but it doesn't have to be.   Do you have a quiet time?  A time to meditate,  pray, or just simply sit?  It is incredibly important. Have you  made friends with PAM?  Praying, affirming, and meditating.  PAM can help you MAP out your life.  If only for five minutes a day. Even if you have to hide in the bathroom.
     Study is next, or maybe it should be first.  What and how do you read?  You don't always have to read spiritual books to grow spiritually.  There are ways to read other books spiritually.  The universe sometimes hides lessons in all kinds of books.  They are there if you look for them.  Then I guess one should read seriously sometimes and for fun at other times.  Also books are not the only thing worth study. People, nature, events all can be studied.  So crack open a park or a mall and learn.
     So we have sit and read.  Now it is time to serve.  You have a ministry.  Perhaps you are a secret minister like me.  You encourage others without advertising.  You pick up the paper on the sidewalk, even when no one is around.  You say prayers for people and never let them know.  Yes, service is a method of developing ourselves spiritually.
    Then there is the big "S".   Sacrifice.  Giving to the point of discomfort because you know it will push you beyond your comfort zone.  Giving of time and money and energy.  WOW!  Maybe skipping a meal once month to have some money to give to charity.  Maybe setting the alarm 30 minutes early so you can have that quiet time.  Baby sitting so a mother or father or both can have a couple of hours of free time.
     All of these S's will help you grow spiritually.  There's another S and that is selection.  You get to choose how you go about developing spiritually.  Then the final S would be satisfaction.   If you utilize the four S's to grow spiritually you will garner a great deal of satisfaction.  Simple?  No.  Worth trying?  Yes.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bringing Back the Bible

     North Carolina has decided to bring back the Biblical definition of marriage.  One man and as many wives and concubines as he can afford.   Why stop there?  Let's bring back the Biblical method of divorce.  Let a man take his wife to the town square and announce three times "I divorce you."  At that point she has to go back to her family with nothing.  No alimony, no property, no child support.  And if she was caught in adultery, then her husband gets to stone her.  And if the husband has committed adultery, he gets stoned too.  Let's make it mandatory that man who has been divorced should never be allowed to be a minister.  So long John Osteen and the church you founded.  So long Charles Stanley and your TV ministry.
     But why stop there? Let's bring back the Biblical practice of slavery.   Let a man own a slave and then release him after 49 years, with the option of buying him back.  Jesus knew about slavery and never condemned it, thereby condoning it by his silence.
    But why stop there?  Let's bring back the Biblical practice of capital punishment.  Let a child who disobeys his parents be stoned.  Let a person who works on Sunday (like at Walmart) be stoned.  Let a woman who wears a wool silk blend jacket be stoned.
     But why stop there?  Because we all stop there.  We all pick and choose the Bible verses we will follow and not follow.  It has been done for centuries by everyone from the pope on down.  Do we immerse or sprinkle?  Do we speak in tongues or not?  Do cut off our arms and gouge out our eyes, because that is what Christ commanded, or not?
       Be careful, North Carolina, you shall be judged by the judgement you measure out.  And by the compassion you withhold.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seven Days To Creation

I like having a theology or philosophy based on the seven days of the week.  The Bible says that God created the world in seven days so there must be something to it.  My week starts on Saturday and ends on Friday. Many ancient cultures had the same idea.  Many modern business have the same idea.
     So let's start with Saturday.  Named for Saturn.  To me, Saturn has to do with wisdom.  In other words smart knowledge as redundant as that sounds.  Not just information, but knowing how best to apply that information.  So our creation starts with wisdom.
     Next comes Sunday, the power day.  Power that leads.  Power that makes strong.  Power that fills the tank a whole week.  But wisdom and power are nothing  with out emotion.
    Monday is the day for emotion.  Blue Mondays, etc.  We can choose the emotions we feel  this day.  Peace, faith, love are some positive emotions.  Or we can choose negative.  Either way emotions are energies in motion.  So our creation has wisdom, power and emotion.  What next?
      Mars is next.  Tuesday.   Mars is the planet of motivation, courage, action, and war.  It is how we get things done.  How the ball stays rolling.  Commitment, determination and persistence are all words of Mars.  So our creative process now includes Mars.
   Which is followed by Mercury.  Wednesday is the day of commerce, communication and transportation.  A day of flexibility.  The day we make adjustments to our creation.  Add new or more information.  A day to recalibrate  if needed.
   Thursday is Jupiter's day.  The day of abundance.  This is the day we multiply our efforts.  The adjustments of yesterday become the increased production of today.  So what is left?
   To keep our creation we appreciate it.  That is Friday, the day of Venus.  To take something  for granted is to start to loose it.  So we relish our creation in order to keep it and maintain it.
     We have an idea for a restaurant.  Sat. we gather the best information on how to start and run one.  Sunday we gather our resources (powers).  Monday we back our restaurant with the strongest emotion we can muster, hopefully love.  Tuesday we get into action.  Wednesday we make modifications and improvements.  Thursday we start leasing franchises.  And Friday we express our gratitude for our chain of eateries.
     Seven days of creation.   Good enough for God.   Good enough for me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cars I have owned

1970 Buick Skylark. If only I could have replaced the engine.
1970 Plymouth Valiant.  Slant six engine. Best engine of its size.
1975 Chevy Monte Carlo. Doors and windows from hades
1986 Chevy Cavalier.  Bought new.  Totaled-not my fault.
1986 Chevy Cavalier.  Bought new.  2 door sporty car.
1994 Ford Escort. Bought new. (Chevy dealership out of Cavaliers.)
1975 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham.  My brief second car.  Needed a lot of work.
1998 Ford Ranger.  Bought used. Expanded cab with jump seats.
2005 Toyota Tacoma.  Bought new.  My favorite vehicle so far.
I love Toyota and GM.  What can I say?