Saturday, May 19, 2012

Four "S" Steps to Spiritual Development

      Most if not all of us want to grow spiritually.  There are many ways and methods of doing this.  I have found that there are several common concepts in virtually all ways.  The four concepts I want to discuss are Silence, Study, Service, and Sacrifice.  These four are not the comprehensive list. And these four blend into each other.
     So silence is first on my list, but it doesn't have to be.   Do you have a quiet time?  A time to meditate,  pray, or just simply sit?  It is incredibly important. Have you  made friends with PAM?  Praying, affirming, and meditating.  PAM can help you MAP out your life.  If only for five minutes a day. Even if you have to hide in the bathroom.
     Study is next, or maybe it should be first.  What and how do you read?  You don't always have to read spiritual books to grow spiritually.  There are ways to read other books spiritually.  The universe sometimes hides lessons in all kinds of books.  They are there if you look for them.  Then I guess one should read seriously sometimes and for fun at other times.  Also books are not the only thing worth study. People, nature, events all can be studied.  So crack open a park or a mall and learn.
     So we have sit and read.  Now it is time to serve.  You have a ministry.  Perhaps you are a secret minister like me.  You encourage others without advertising.  You pick up the paper on the sidewalk, even when no one is around.  You say prayers for people and never let them know.  Yes, service is a method of developing ourselves spiritually.
    Then there is the big "S".   Sacrifice.  Giving to the point of discomfort because you know it will push you beyond your comfort zone.  Giving of time and money and energy.  WOW!  Maybe skipping a meal once month to have some money to give to charity.  Maybe setting the alarm 30 minutes early so you can have that quiet time.  Baby sitting so a mother or father or both can have a couple of hours of free time.
     All of these S's will help you grow spiritually.  There's another S and that is selection.  You get to choose how you go about developing spiritually.  Then the final S would be satisfaction.   If you utilize the four S's to grow spiritually you will garner a great deal of satisfaction.  Simple?  No.  Worth trying?  Yes.

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