Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seven Days To Creation

I like having a theology or philosophy based on the seven days of the week.  The Bible says that God created the world in seven days so there must be something to it.  My week starts on Saturday and ends on Friday. Many ancient cultures had the same idea.  Many modern business have the same idea.
     So let's start with Saturday.  Named for Saturn.  To me, Saturn has to do with wisdom.  In other words smart knowledge as redundant as that sounds.  Not just information, but knowing how best to apply that information.  So our creation starts with wisdom.
     Next comes Sunday, the power day.  Power that leads.  Power that makes strong.  Power that fills the tank a whole week.  But wisdom and power are nothing  with out emotion.
    Monday is the day for emotion.  Blue Mondays, etc.  We can choose the emotions we feel  this day.  Peace, faith, love are some positive emotions.  Or we can choose negative.  Either way emotions are energies in motion.  So our creation has wisdom, power and emotion.  What next?
      Mars is next.  Tuesday.   Mars is the planet of motivation, courage, action, and war.  It is how we get things done.  How the ball stays rolling.  Commitment, determination and persistence are all words of Mars.  So our creative process now includes Mars.
   Which is followed by Mercury.  Wednesday is the day of commerce, communication and transportation.  A day of flexibility.  The day we make adjustments to our creation.  Add new or more information.  A day to recalibrate  if needed.
   Thursday is Jupiter's day.  The day of abundance.  This is the day we multiply our efforts.  The adjustments of yesterday become the increased production of today.  So what is left?
   To keep our creation we appreciate it.  That is Friday, the day of Venus.  To take something  for granted is to start to loose it.  So we relish our creation in order to keep it and maintain it.
     We have an idea for a restaurant.  Sat. we gather the best information on how to start and run one.  Sunday we gather our resources (powers).  Monday we back our restaurant with the strongest emotion we can muster, hopefully love.  Tuesday we get into action.  Wednesday we make modifications and improvements.  Thursday we start leasing franchises.  And Friday we express our gratitude for our chain of eateries.
     Seven days of creation.   Good enough for God.   Good enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. Six days God created the heavens and the earth and then God rested on the seventh day.
