Friday, May 11, 2012

Bringing Back the Bible

     North Carolina has decided to bring back the Biblical definition of marriage.  One man and as many wives and concubines as he can afford.   Why stop there?  Let's bring back the Biblical method of divorce.  Let a man take his wife to the town square and announce three times "I divorce you."  At that point she has to go back to her family with nothing.  No alimony, no property, no child support.  And if she was caught in adultery, then her husband gets to stone her.  And if the husband has committed adultery, he gets stoned too.  Let's make it mandatory that man who has been divorced should never be allowed to be a minister.  So long John Osteen and the church you founded.  So long Charles Stanley and your TV ministry.
     But why stop there? Let's bring back the Biblical practice of slavery.   Let a man own a slave and then release him after 49 years, with the option of buying him back.  Jesus knew about slavery and never condemned it, thereby condoning it by his silence.
    But why stop there?  Let's bring back the Biblical practice of capital punishment.  Let a child who disobeys his parents be stoned.  Let a person who works on Sunday (like at Walmart) be stoned.  Let a woman who wears a wool silk blend jacket be stoned.
     But why stop there?  Because we all stop there.  We all pick and choose the Bible verses we will follow and not follow.  It has been done for centuries by everyone from the pope on down.  Do we immerse or sprinkle?  Do we speak in tongues or not?  Do cut off our arms and gouge out our eyes, because that is what Christ commanded, or not?
       Be careful, North Carolina, you shall be judged by the judgement you measure out.  And by the compassion you withhold.

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