Sunday, October 28, 2012

Findhorn Community

   Findhorn is or was a miracle place.  Rocky soil in a cold climate where nothing was supposed to grow.  And yet it did.  Why?
   The answer is in the title isn't it?  Community.  Not just people.  But animals, fairies, nature spirits, and other spirits all working to make the seeming impossible happen.  Harmony among the interested parties seems to make things happen.  Even in a crap environment.
    So what is the lesson?  If you are in a crappy place start building a harmonious community.  Allow living people to join if they are in agreement with your goals. If not, then know that there are tons of help and support from many other realms.  That is how the seemingly impossible gets accomplished.


   Extrasensory perception is hard to prove to someone who has never experienced it, and even harder to dislodge from someone who has.  I am someone who has.
   I was at a bookstore in Atlanta when something told me I needed to leave.  Instinctively, I argued with the something.  After all, I had only gone through a couple of the sections I normally go through.  The something persisted and so I left.  When I got home I flipped on the radio and heard about a major car accident that occurred in an intersection that I had driven across about a half hour before.  I am not saying that I would have been in the accident, but I am saying that I avoided a long delay that would've ensued had I stayed in the bookstore longer than I did.
     Another time, I was driving home after a night at a club. (I was sober).  I had no where to go the next day.  So I was driving slow in the slow lane.  Once again something told me to speed up and get into one of the fast lanes. (I85 had at that time four northbound lanes)  Once again I argued.  Not in a hurry, no where to be.  The something persisted and I speed up and got into lane number 4.  Sure enough, I topped a hill and there was a stranded motorist in the slow lane with a wrecker guy frantically trying to hook the car up and get it off the freeway.
    So yes I believe in ESP.  It works for me.  I don't exactly understand.  But then again I don't have to understand the internal combustion engine to start my car.  It just starts.  So I will not waste my time trying to convince anyone.  I will spend my time trying to develop my ESP skills.  And if you believe, then we have something to talk about don't we.?


      Divination is the so called art-science of foretelling the future.  The Greeks believed that the future already exits and that it is coming toward us.  I think many possible futures exits and only one of them can come toward us at a time.
     So what makes one future appear as opposed to another?  The law of attraction, the law of karma, the law of grace, all of the above and other factors not yet acknowledged?  So we can see why divination is a difficult proposition to begin with.
     Let's say I cast the runes for you and tell you not to take the freeway on Monday morning because there will be a horrific accident.  As it turns out, you are sick on Monday morning and so you don't go anywhere.  You call me Tuesday and tell me that I am a crackpot, there was no accident at all.  Of course not because you stayed home.  When the guy swerved to miss a skunk you weren't there to hit.  So I guess I could make predictions and not tell anyone until after the fact.  Then I would have to prove that the prediction was before the event it predicted.  Doing such would render divination pointless.
     If I told you that I knew about your accident before it happened and that I didn't want to tell you about it.  Well you can see how that would destroy friendships.   So divination has to be a tool to tell someone what the most likely future is and that they can change it.  So what if you look like a crackpot.  Your friend avoided the accident and is alive.  What more can you ask for?

Saturday, October 6, 2012


     As you may have guessed I suffer from cryptomnesia Not only that I have been misspelling it for 20 years.  And not only that, blogger thinks it is wrong when I have spelled it right.  But I digress.  I will read something that I read maybe ten years ago. I will think "I have trumpeted that as my idea for the last five years".  Such is the risk we take when we love something we read.
      We have so many things in our head, isn't logical to think that some of them might spill out?  And maybe we think we have created these wonderful ideas ourselves?  Try to write a fairy tale.  Chances are that you will reassemble and recreate one from your past.  Think about our education.  So much stuff was crammed into our heads and never one time were we supposed to remember the source. Until we started writing book  reports and such.  Then plagiarism reared its ugly head.  
     I have never consciously stolen anyone's work.  But if I am accused, I will admit that I stole the idea from Shakespeare.  After all, he wrote about everything and his stuff is in the public domain.  That reminds me of line I heard somewhere.  "I wish I had said that, but then again I will."


    I think the term bilocation is misleading.  That is that is something that is hard to do.  That it is a skill that is hard to master.  I think we all bilocate much more than we realize.  We have dreams were we are in school or that we meet someone.  I think those dreams have a reality that we do not sometimes accept.
     Conscious bilocation is a toughie.  Being aware that you are in two places at once is difficult.  But even now many of us may be in several places at once.   That is if you subscribe to the theosophical (and others) that we inhabit seven bodies.  So I continue to attempt conscious bilocation.  Let's see if I make it.  Then I will attempt trilocation.

A Course in Miracles

     I have read "A Course in Miracles" twice.  I am no where near to understanding it.  It is highly regarded in New Thought circles, it is used as a class to augment New Thought teachings.  I like the idea of the course.  That basically total forgiveness solves everything.  I like the fact that many consider it a third testament of the Bible.   So maybe it is time for another read.