Sunday, October 28, 2012


   Extrasensory perception is hard to prove to someone who has never experienced it, and even harder to dislodge from someone who has.  I am someone who has.
   I was at a bookstore in Atlanta when something told me I needed to leave.  Instinctively, I argued with the something.  After all, I had only gone through a couple of the sections I normally go through.  The something persisted and so I left.  When I got home I flipped on the radio and heard about a major car accident that occurred in an intersection that I had driven across about a half hour before.  I am not saying that I would have been in the accident, but I am saying that I avoided a long delay that would've ensued had I stayed in the bookstore longer than I did.
     Another time, I was driving home after a night at a club. (I was sober).  I had no where to go the next day.  So I was driving slow in the slow lane.  Once again something told me to speed up and get into one of the fast lanes. (I85 had at that time four northbound lanes)  Once again I argued.  Not in a hurry, no where to be.  The something persisted and I speed up and got into lane number 4.  Sure enough, I topped a hill and there was a stranded motorist in the slow lane with a wrecker guy frantically trying to hook the car up and get it off the freeway.
    So yes I believe in ESP.  It works for me.  I don't exactly understand.  But then again I don't have to understand the internal combustion engine to start my car.  It just starts.  So I will not waste my time trying to convince anyone.  I will spend my time trying to develop my ESP skills.  And if you believe, then we have something to talk about don't we.?

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