Sunday, October 28, 2012


      Divination is the so called art-science of foretelling the future.  The Greeks believed that the future already exits and that it is coming toward us.  I think many possible futures exits and only one of them can come toward us at a time.
     So what makes one future appear as opposed to another?  The law of attraction, the law of karma, the law of grace, all of the above and other factors not yet acknowledged?  So we can see why divination is a difficult proposition to begin with.
     Let's say I cast the runes for you and tell you not to take the freeway on Monday morning because there will be a horrific accident.  As it turns out, you are sick on Monday morning and so you don't go anywhere.  You call me Tuesday and tell me that I am a crackpot, there was no accident at all.  Of course not because you stayed home.  When the guy swerved to miss a skunk you weren't there to hit.  So I guess I could make predictions and not tell anyone until after the fact.  Then I would have to prove that the prediction was before the event it predicted.  Doing such would render divination pointless.
     If I told you that I knew about your accident before it happened and that I didn't want to tell you about it.  Well you can see how that would destroy friendships.   So divination has to be a tool to tell someone what the most likely future is and that they can change it.  So what if you look like a crackpot.  Your friend avoided the accident and is alive.  What more can you ask for?

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