Monday, February 21, 2011

Wisconsin Teachers

I stand today with the teachers of Wisconsin and really teachers all across America and the world.  It strikes me as funny that the pundits in New York and Washington DC would impose in what amounts to a tax on teachers in Wisconsin.  Perhaps the pundits should pay more taxes and leave the teachers to their main task of preparing our future.  These same pundits talk about how important education is, yet they would undercut the main pillar of education.  Why should teachers pay the price for bad economic decisions, both from government and the private sector?  Why should teachers be demoted to second class citizens?  Why are their families less worthy than the families of Fox news journalists and commentaries?  Isn't strange that in our nation today  public teachers make more money than their counterparts in the private sector. Seems to be a failure of capitalism.  I am  not against capitalism, niether am I for socialism.  We just need to put a bridle on the horse of capitalism so that no one gets thrown off.  We pay more for Lady Gaga to hatch our of an egg like a chicken than we do our teachers to develop the next generation.  Mr. Sean Hannity you will have to explain to you daughter why that is so and why you think teachers deserve paycuts.  Don't be surprised if you daughter imitates Lady Gaga not her math teacher.  You are showing her where the money and prioties are.


Twitter Problems

Something is bad wrong with twitter.  I don't know if it has been hacked by a foreign power or if they are shifting capacity to Northern Africa and the Middle East where it is needed.  I do know there needs to be a backup twitter.  I guess Facebook is the defacto backup.  Who would've thought that a social networking site would have national security implications?  But now it does.  I hope they get the problems solved soon. 



I suspect in a few days we will hear about the death of Gaddafi or the beginning of a civil war.  I don't see him flying off into exile.  I think this one will fight to the death.  We are not getting news now.  But I think there will be a record of his brutality.  The question now is how do we smuggle the internet into peninsulas of Asia? And how do we make so that it can't be government controlled?


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Team California

I am moving to California.  I am shooting for early spring of next year.  That should be enough time for me to plan and prepare for a move.  The Georgia of my past doesn't exist, the Texas of my present is a living hell. So I want a new deal. A new chance.  That is Califonia. 
       Toward that end, I am putting together a team that will encourage my move.  People that will support me on a spiritual and emotional level.  The simple question is: "Will you support my move?"  Family is out.  When I think of how little my family supports me it makes me angry.  Of all the times I spoke at church or at Toastmasters not one relative showed.  What a pleasure it would have been for me to look out into an audience and seen a relative.  I think of the endless practices, ballgames, and concerts I attended in support of my family. But they don't have time for me or my dreams.  So now it is my turn to say no.  I will treat you as you have treated me.  So no family.
     Also no clergy.  Four Christian ministers told me that if I put my family back together, my ministry would come together.  They prophesied that by moving to Texas I could convert my atheist mother and agnostic father into Christians.  They were wrong. Instead I lost my faith in Jesus.  Psychologists tell us if you take a person  out of a sick family he will get well.  If you put the person back in he gets sick again. Baptists and Presbyterians believe just the opposite. The Christian is supposed to rub off on his family.  This time it didn't work.  Religious Science ministers are no better.  You get blamed for everything.  Everything from the negativity of parents, to the economy, to being taken advantage of. Everything except the weather-there is no way we can affect that.
    So I am putting together a team for Califonia.  It has two members so far. Me and God.  JFK said that constitutes a majority. I will add others that will support my dream.  You dream crushers stay the heck away.  You know who you are.

In Peace, Love, and Light.

Puzzling Prayer Partners

When I moved to Texas in 1997, I had the prayer support of two of the largest churches in Georgia.  First Baptist Atlanta, where I had my membership, and North Point Community Church , where I attended. Both are pastored by a man named Stanley. That is a different story. It was a prayer network that easily could have contained 15,000 people.  We supported each other in prayer.  Sadly, that support failed me when I moved to Texas.  The prayers of fifteen thousand people failed.
     I got the latest issue of Science of Mind Magazine this week.  In it is an article on prayer partners and how well they work.  Or work for him.  They have failed me.  When I moved to Texas, I joined a Religious Science church (Science of Mind/New Thought).  I was told that everything in my life was my fault. (Except for weather-this minister believes that nothing we do affects the weather.) That included my decision to come to Texas. When I agreed that coming to Texas was my fault, I asked the minister to pray for my return to Georgia.  He instead prayed for me to have "options."  My words are not supposed to come back to me void but in this case they did. Another failure of a prayer partnership. 
     When I left Georgia I considered myself a Christian-plus.  I was a Christian yet I studied other things, mainly New Thought writings.  Oprah Winfrey could probably be put in that category.  I felt like I had the perfect combination of spiritual support. Again, sadly all of that failed me.  It should have worked.  I had knowledge and support. I get told by my Baptist and Religious Science friends that the bad Houston economy is my fault.  I can't find a decent job in Texas because of my sin and negative thinking.  Evidently moving across state lines constitutes sin and negative thinking. The obvious solution was for me to move back to Georgia, where I had a great job.  But they wouldn't support me in prayer for my return.
     So I basically have two problems with prayer partners.  They only seem to work in a limited geographic area.  Secondly, if they don't agree with your goals you don't get any support-only guilt trips.  But I have not given up.  I now have a prayer network that is national.  I rarely ask for locals to pray for me.  I go to websites where they don't judge my goals, they just pray for me.  They don't consider me a sinner or a negative thinker- they simple pray for me as a human being.
    So that is my two cents on prayer partners.  If they work for you continue on.  Make sure your partners are truly on your team. Remember that you and God constitute the best prayer partnership there could be.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

Venting of steam

I need to one blog just to get off some steam.  I am so stupid when it comes to electronics.  Really anything mechanical.  My twitter is messed up.  They are blaming my computer, but every other website is working.  If it were my computer, I should be having issues inn other places.  My father's internet connection sucks. He has ATT, it is a high speed connection.  And it throws me off every five minutes.  I dropped ATT.  My main phone is Verizon.  So far so good.  The final thing I am pissed about is my Dad.  I spent the evening with him last night.  He doesn't realize it, but he is like a vampire.  He doesn't like to meet people.  He expects his family to be his socializing.  It is starting to suck.  Our family is dying.  My brother and Mom.  Out of the four children there is only one grandchild.  So much for family.  My Dad is so stubborn.  He pushes people away and he doesn't even realize it.  Okay I feel better time for my calm blog.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Why I am Still Single

There are many reasons why I am still single.  The fact that I can come up with many reasons may be the biggest reason.  But tonight I want to focus on one.  The short answer is that my Venus is in Virgo.  (I share that with JLo).  The slightly longer answer is that I am very picky.  My criteria for a wife has changed over the years.  When I was a Baptist I wanted my wife to be very submissive.  I was going to be the controller and she the controllee.  Barefoot and pregnant would have been okay- she could wear flip-flops for cutting the grass.  But I have evolved.  When I decided that I wanted to be a minister my model for a wife became Corretta Scott King.  Someone strong and beautiful.  Someone who could have a career in her own right and yet also take my mantle should something happen to me.  Someone like Mrs. King would be perfect.  If anyone guaranteed Dr. King's legacy it was her.  While the SCLC was discussing what to do she did something.  She started the King Center and basically got the King Holiday created. Could there be a better partner?  That is my word partner, not puppet.  True partnerships are hard to maintain. Lots of face time.  There would have to be alot of understanding.  (Who needs that in a marriage?) We wouldn't talk about every decision.  What difference does it make if we have Italian on Friday and Chinese on Saturday?  On questions concerning her areas of expertise I would defer  to her. I hope she would defer to me where I had more knowledge. There is one class of decisions I would retain for myself.  I would not allow my wife to make any decisions where she would feel guilty if she made them.  For example, our dog Spunky got hit by a car. The surgeon says that he can save Spunky, but that his life will be a living hell. I would be the one to decide Spunky's fate. Either way it is tough decision.  But otherwise we talk alot.  There are more and more women like Coretta Scott, so maybe I will find mine.  Now that my career choice is Public Speaking I would love to have a wife that could introduce me and also speak with me.  ( I have an idea for an introduction that would give my wife the laugh line.) JLo has found her life partner so mine must be out there somewhere.

In Peace, Love, and Light,