Saturday, February 19, 2011

Team California

I am moving to California.  I am shooting for early spring of next year.  That should be enough time for me to plan and prepare for a move.  The Georgia of my past doesn't exist, the Texas of my present is a living hell. So I want a new deal. A new chance.  That is Califonia. 
       Toward that end, I am putting together a team that will encourage my move.  People that will support me on a spiritual and emotional level.  The simple question is: "Will you support my move?"  Family is out.  When I think of how little my family supports me it makes me angry.  Of all the times I spoke at church or at Toastmasters not one relative showed.  What a pleasure it would have been for me to look out into an audience and seen a relative.  I think of the endless practices, ballgames, and concerts I attended in support of my family. But they don't have time for me or my dreams.  So now it is my turn to say no.  I will treat you as you have treated me.  So no family.
     Also no clergy.  Four Christian ministers told me that if I put my family back together, my ministry would come together.  They prophesied that by moving to Texas I could convert my atheist mother and agnostic father into Christians.  They were wrong. Instead I lost my faith in Jesus.  Psychologists tell us if you take a person  out of a sick family he will get well.  If you put the person back in he gets sick again. Baptists and Presbyterians believe just the opposite. The Christian is supposed to rub off on his family.  This time it didn't work.  Religious Science ministers are no better.  You get blamed for everything.  Everything from the negativity of parents, to the economy, to being taken advantage of. Everything except the weather-there is no way we can affect that.
    So I am putting together a team for Califonia.  It has two members so far. Me and God.  JFK said that constitutes a majority. I will add others that will support my dream.  You dream crushers stay the heck away.  You know who you are.

In Peace, Love, and Light.

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