Friday, February 4, 2011

Why I am Still Single

There are many reasons why I am still single.  The fact that I can come up with many reasons may be the biggest reason.  But tonight I want to focus on one.  The short answer is that my Venus is in Virgo.  (I share that with JLo).  The slightly longer answer is that I am very picky.  My criteria for a wife has changed over the years.  When I was a Baptist I wanted my wife to be very submissive.  I was going to be the controller and she the controllee.  Barefoot and pregnant would have been okay- she could wear flip-flops for cutting the grass.  But I have evolved.  When I decided that I wanted to be a minister my model for a wife became Corretta Scott King.  Someone strong and beautiful.  Someone who could have a career in her own right and yet also take my mantle should something happen to me.  Someone like Mrs. King would be perfect.  If anyone guaranteed Dr. King's legacy it was her.  While the SCLC was discussing what to do she did something.  She started the King Center and basically got the King Holiday created. Could there be a better partner?  That is my word partner, not puppet.  True partnerships are hard to maintain. Lots of face time.  There would have to be alot of understanding.  (Who needs that in a marriage?) We wouldn't talk about every decision.  What difference does it make if we have Italian on Friday and Chinese on Saturday?  On questions concerning her areas of expertise I would defer  to her. I hope she would defer to me where I had more knowledge. There is one class of decisions I would retain for myself.  I would not allow my wife to make any decisions where she would feel guilty if she made them.  For example, our dog Spunky got hit by a car. The surgeon says that he can save Spunky, but that his life will be a living hell. I would be the one to decide Spunky's fate. Either way it is tough decision.  But otherwise we talk alot.  There are more and more women like Coretta Scott, so maybe I will find mine.  Now that my career choice is Public Speaking I would love to have a wife that could introduce me and also speak with me.  ( I have an idea for an introduction that would give my wife the laugh line.) JLo has found her life partner so mine must be out there somewhere.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

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