Saturday, February 19, 2011

Puzzling Prayer Partners

When I moved to Texas in 1997, I had the prayer support of two of the largest churches in Georgia.  First Baptist Atlanta, where I had my membership, and North Point Community Church , where I attended. Both are pastored by a man named Stanley. That is a different story. It was a prayer network that easily could have contained 15,000 people.  We supported each other in prayer.  Sadly, that support failed me when I moved to Texas.  The prayers of fifteen thousand people failed.
     I got the latest issue of Science of Mind Magazine this week.  In it is an article on prayer partners and how well they work.  Or work for him.  They have failed me.  When I moved to Texas, I joined a Religious Science church (Science of Mind/New Thought).  I was told that everything in my life was my fault. (Except for weather-this minister believes that nothing we do affects the weather.) That included my decision to come to Texas. When I agreed that coming to Texas was my fault, I asked the minister to pray for my return to Georgia.  He instead prayed for me to have "options."  My words are not supposed to come back to me void but in this case they did. Another failure of a prayer partnership. 
     When I left Georgia I considered myself a Christian-plus.  I was a Christian yet I studied other things, mainly New Thought writings.  Oprah Winfrey could probably be put in that category.  I felt like I had the perfect combination of spiritual support. Again, sadly all of that failed me.  It should have worked.  I had knowledge and support. I get told by my Baptist and Religious Science friends that the bad Houston economy is my fault.  I can't find a decent job in Texas because of my sin and negative thinking.  Evidently moving across state lines constitutes sin and negative thinking. The obvious solution was for me to move back to Georgia, where I had a great job.  But they wouldn't support me in prayer for my return.
     So I basically have two problems with prayer partners.  They only seem to work in a limited geographic area.  Secondly, if they don't agree with your goals you don't get any support-only guilt trips.  But I have not given up.  I now have a prayer network that is national.  I rarely ask for locals to pray for me.  I go to websites where they don't judge my goals, they just pray for me.  They don't consider me a sinner or a negative thinker- they simple pray for me as a human being.
    So that is my two cents on prayer partners.  If they work for you continue on.  Make sure your partners are truly on your team. Remember that you and God constitute the best prayer partnership there could be.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

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