Monday, February 21, 2011

Wisconsin Teachers

I stand today with the teachers of Wisconsin and really teachers all across America and the world.  It strikes me as funny that the pundits in New York and Washington DC would impose in what amounts to a tax on teachers in Wisconsin.  Perhaps the pundits should pay more taxes and leave the teachers to their main task of preparing our future.  These same pundits talk about how important education is, yet they would undercut the main pillar of education.  Why should teachers pay the price for bad economic decisions, both from government and the private sector?  Why should teachers be demoted to second class citizens?  Why are their families less worthy than the families of Fox news journalists and commentaries?  Isn't strange that in our nation today  public teachers make more money than their counterparts in the private sector. Seems to be a failure of capitalism.  I am  not against capitalism, niether am I for socialism.  We just need to put a bridle on the horse of capitalism so that no one gets thrown off.  We pay more for Lady Gaga to hatch our of an egg like a chicken than we do our teachers to develop the next generation.  Mr. Sean Hannity you will have to explain to you daughter why that is so and why you think teachers deserve paycuts.  Don't be surprised if you daughter imitates Lady Gaga not her math teacher.  You are showing her where the money and prioties are.


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