Sunday, November 25, 2012

Simply Jesus

    Who or what is Jesus?  I am not going to give all the answers or even my answer.  I had a friend who thought a lot about Jesus, and so I will give one of his answers.
     Bob was (is) an Episcopalian and a one time deacon in the Liberal Catholic Church.  He had studied all kinds of psychology and spirituality.  He could write volumes on what Jesus might or might not have been.  He told me that every church had a Jesus.  A thoughtform or egregore that answered the prayers of the church members as best it could.  He told me that he could see these thoughtforms.  Like the one he saw at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.  Bob said it appeared in the form of a giant white dove that hovered over the congregation during a Christmas celebration.
    He also told me that these local thoughtforms were part of larger thoughtforms.  A parish thoughtform was part of a diocese thoughtform, which was part of a denominational thoughtform which was part of a unversal thoughtform for everything labeled Christianity.  Like a very confusing federal form of governance.
    I think there something to what Bob told me.  There is a scripture that says we live, move and have our being in Jesus.  So why not?  Many layers, but still simply Jesus.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Illuminati

     Supposedly this is the group of people that controls the world.  The trilateral commission.  The Bilderberg group.  The Council on Foreign Relations.  I happen to think there is something to this.  As to how much control the secret rulers exert over the world is any one's guess.
     But if these or this group(s) want to dispel the rumors of worldwide domination, simple, just hold open meetings.  Publish the transcripts.  Or leave us to wonder.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Faith Healers Great and Small

    I think faith healers have a gift of healing.  I don't think it is as large as people want it to be and I don't dismiss it like some skeptics do.
     I liked Oral Roberts.  I would have never sent him a dime.  But I appreciated his ministry.  The problem comes when he claims or is pushed into healings he can't accomplish.  Let's say I can heal colds.  One touch from me and your child's cold vanishes.  The family down the street brings their child and expects me to heal it from cancer.  So we put on a show and pretend that the cancer is in remission.  This works for awhile.  Then the child dies.  This we do not publicize.  That would just bring people down, beside I can still heal colds and we all have bills to pay.  So the legend continues.
     I guess my real problem with faith healers is that they don't know or deny they are practicing energy healing.  They would have to redefine Christianity and allow that other religions are just as valid as  it is.
    So it is up to us to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.  Individual  people sorting things out for themselves.  So yes I believe in faith healing.  I believe in a lot more.  I believe in your ability to think for yourselves.


     I like my gurus dead.  They are a lot easier to deal with that way.
     Live gurus tend to contradict themselves.  They tend to have that human characteristic of making mistakes.  A dead guru you can deify.  You can reinterpret their seeming contradictions for a new time and generation.  You can talk to their spirits and ask for clarifications.  Dead gurus give you time to think and react.  Dead gurus allow you to grow out of their shadows.  And when you stand in your own light, you can put the guru back on the shelf for safe keeping.  Yes, dead gurus are the best.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Findhorn Community

   Findhorn is or was a miracle place.  Rocky soil in a cold climate where nothing was supposed to grow.  And yet it did.  Why?
   The answer is in the title isn't it?  Community.  Not just people.  But animals, fairies, nature spirits, and other spirits all working to make the seeming impossible happen.  Harmony among the interested parties seems to make things happen.  Even in a crap environment.
    So what is the lesson?  If you are in a crappy place start building a harmonious community.  Allow living people to join if they are in agreement with your goals. If not, then know that there are tons of help and support from many other realms.  That is how the seemingly impossible gets accomplished.


   Extrasensory perception is hard to prove to someone who has never experienced it, and even harder to dislodge from someone who has.  I am someone who has.
   I was at a bookstore in Atlanta when something told me I needed to leave.  Instinctively, I argued with the something.  After all, I had only gone through a couple of the sections I normally go through.  The something persisted and so I left.  When I got home I flipped on the radio and heard about a major car accident that occurred in an intersection that I had driven across about a half hour before.  I am not saying that I would have been in the accident, but I am saying that I avoided a long delay that would've ensued had I stayed in the bookstore longer than I did.
     Another time, I was driving home after a night at a club. (I was sober).  I had no where to go the next day.  So I was driving slow in the slow lane.  Once again something told me to speed up and get into one of the fast lanes. (I85 had at that time four northbound lanes)  Once again I argued.  Not in a hurry, no where to be.  The something persisted and I speed up and got into lane number 4.  Sure enough, I topped a hill and there was a stranded motorist in the slow lane with a wrecker guy frantically trying to hook the car up and get it off the freeway.
    So yes I believe in ESP.  It works for me.  I don't exactly understand.  But then again I don't have to understand the internal combustion engine to start my car.  It just starts.  So I will not waste my time trying to convince anyone.  I will spend my time trying to develop my ESP skills.  And if you believe, then we have something to talk about don't we.?


      Divination is the so called art-science of foretelling the future.  The Greeks believed that the future already exits and that it is coming toward us.  I think many possible futures exits and only one of them can come toward us at a time.
     So what makes one future appear as opposed to another?  The law of attraction, the law of karma, the law of grace, all of the above and other factors not yet acknowledged?  So we can see why divination is a difficult proposition to begin with.
     Let's say I cast the runes for you and tell you not to take the freeway on Monday morning because there will be a horrific accident.  As it turns out, you are sick on Monday morning and so you don't go anywhere.  You call me Tuesday and tell me that I am a crackpot, there was no accident at all.  Of course not because you stayed home.  When the guy swerved to miss a skunk you weren't there to hit.  So I guess I could make predictions and not tell anyone until after the fact.  Then I would have to prove that the prediction was before the event it predicted.  Doing such would render divination pointless.
     If I told you that I knew about your accident before it happened and that I didn't want to tell you about it.  Well you can see how that would destroy friendships.   So divination has to be a tool to tell someone what the most likely future is and that they can change it.  So what if you look like a crackpot.  Your friend avoided the accident and is alive.  What more can you ask for?

Saturday, October 6, 2012


     As you may have guessed I suffer from cryptomnesia Not only that I have been misspelling it for 20 years.  And not only that, blogger thinks it is wrong when I have spelled it right.  But I digress.  I will read something that I read maybe ten years ago. I will think "I have trumpeted that as my idea for the last five years".  Such is the risk we take when we love something we read.
      We have so many things in our head, isn't logical to think that some of them might spill out?  And maybe we think we have created these wonderful ideas ourselves?  Try to write a fairy tale.  Chances are that you will reassemble and recreate one from your past.  Think about our education.  So much stuff was crammed into our heads and never one time were we supposed to remember the source. Until we started writing book  reports and such.  Then plagiarism reared its ugly head.  
     I have never consciously stolen anyone's work.  But if I am accused, I will admit that I stole the idea from Shakespeare.  After all, he wrote about everything and his stuff is in the public domain.  That reminds me of line I heard somewhere.  "I wish I had said that, but then again I will."


    I think the term bilocation is misleading.  That is that is something that is hard to do.  That it is a skill that is hard to master.  I think we all bilocate much more than we realize.  We have dreams were we are in school or that we meet someone.  I think those dreams have a reality that we do not sometimes accept.
     Conscious bilocation is a toughie.  Being aware that you are in two places at once is difficult.  But even now many of us may be in several places at once.   That is if you subscribe to the theosophical (and others) that we inhabit seven bodies.  So I continue to attempt conscious bilocation.  Let's see if I make it.  Then I will attempt trilocation.

A Course in Miracles

     I have read "A Course in Miracles" twice.  I am no where near to understanding it.  It is highly regarded in New Thought circles, it is used as a class to augment New Thought teachings.  I like the idea of the course.  That basically total forgiveness solves everything.  I like the fact that many consider it a third testament of the Bible.   So maybe it is time for another read.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pick up Lines that Fail top or bottom 10

1.  Jesus told me to marry you.
2.  The Holy Spirit in me wants to hug the Holy Spirit in you.
3.  Let's take a ride in my Vega.  I just got the brakes fixed.
4.  I am burning to have sex with you.  Feel how hot I am.
5.  Sorry about that, the beano hasn't kicked in yet.
6.  Are your feet wet?  You have been swimming in my mind all day.
7.   I would love to take you to a movie, but Mother says I have to be home by eight.
8.  Cemeteries are so fun, let's go exploring.
9.   You smell like my grandmother.
10.   Of course I can spend the whole day with you, that is the point of a prison furlough.

11.  (Bonus)  We'd better hurry, this coupon for a free taco is about to expire.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Dog Named Blue, Religion, and the Way Home.

     There is a story in my family about my mother's first cousin C.J.  Trentham.  C.J. Loved to hunt raccoons.  It is an all night affair.  You start at dusk and finish up at dawn.  C.J. raised dogs to hunt with.  I think they were blue tick hounds and black and tan hounds.  Hunting dogs.  Dogs that would tree their prey and not kill it.  Dogs that would hold raccoons at at bay and then started baying themselves until the hunters came.  This would go on all night through miles and miles of woods.  Then at dawn everyone, dogs and men, would load up and go home.
     The story goes that one time they were loading up the truck and one of the dogs was missing.  My cousin said something like "That's just old Blue. He'll be back in a day or two."  Then C.J. took off his jacket and laid it on the far side of the ditch.  And sure enough in a couple of days old Blue was there laying on the jacket, waiting to be picked up.
   It is not a very good story.  Unless you let C.J. stand for God, religion stand for the jacket, and let me stand for old Blue.   Then it makes perfect sense.  I am a lot like that old dog.  I get lost, confused, I ran hard all night, and I just want to go home.  I look for the jacket.  Something that smells like God.  That something is religion.  It smells like God to me. It is what was left behind for us to find.  For us to wait for the return or answers to our questions or however this thing called life shakes out.
    I have found God or parts of  Truth in almost every spiritual path I have studied.  There are many jackets laying around.  I am a Unitarian-Universalist.  I believe that there one God and that we all wind up in heaven.   Or at home or in nirvana or however you want to couch it.  I also believe that we are all one.
      So while you ponder what I have written, I'll go back to that jacket.  God's around here some place.  I can smell it.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Dream Ticket for President

The problem with our current system of politics seems to be, seems to me,  that there is more interest in perpetuating the system rather than solving our problems.  It is more reactionary than proactive.  It is gradualism and delay.  We started with a Revolution and wound up with something that falls short of evolution.  And I have a solution, maybe.
      I would love to see a ticket that consisted of Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku nominated for president. Tyson-Kaku or Kaku-Tyson.  It would not matter, and they would not care.  They are scientists and educators.  They are problem solvers, not prestige seekers.  They would rather have a solution rather than the credit for the solution.
     My guess is that it would take them about a year to solve our problems.  They would first have to give the Congress and Cabinet heads assignments to keep them busy for that year.  Like fact finding missions and things like that. Then they would call in their friends  from science, technology, engineering and  math.  These "STEM" experts could then start to fix our broken systems.   Yeah I think it would take about one year. Because I think they know and we know that most of the answers  to our problems are common sense.  When you ask the question the right way , the answer becomes apparent. These guys would ask the right questions.  Then practicality not politics would prevail.
    After that year these two men could go back to being scientists and educators.  Then the Congress and Cabinet could come back.  They would spend the next three years mucking things up again.  Well it was a nice idea.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MLK's Dream plus 49 years.

      We celebrate Dr. King's birthday.  We remember the day he died.   Today is perhaps the third most important day in his life.  The day he shared his dream with the world.
     What would the fourth most important day be?  There would lots of choices for that fourth day.  The day he married.  The day his first child was born.  Maybe it was the day of his baptism, ordination, or when he got his doctorate.  Maybe it was when he got his first pastorate or got his first book published.  Maybe it was the day he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes many choices for that day.
    I want to propose that the fourth most important day was the day he refused to give up on his faith.  We don't know exactly when that day was but we do know it happened.  There was a time at Morehouse college when Dr. King questioned his faith.   I imagine a phone conversation between Dr. Benjamin Mays and Martin Luther King Sr. :
MLK Sr.-  Hello.
Dr. Mays- Reverend King?
MLK Sr.- This is he.
Dr. Mays-  This Dr. Mays from Morehouse college.I am sorry to bother you, but we have a problem with Martin.
MLK Sr.-Problem?  Is it his grades?  Is he cutting class?
Dr. Mays-No, Reverend King, it is his faith.  He is starting to question the Bible.  He thinks it may be a collection of fairy tales.  He is thinking of leaving the Church, forgoing his ministry.
MLK Sr.-  Oh no.  This must never happen.  My son has a gift from God.  We've got to do all we can to keep him in the Church.
Dr. Mays- I have a plan. I am going to tell him that the Bible doesn't have to be taken literally.  That there are other ways to interpret it.  Metaphorical ways.
MLK Sr. -  Do you think it will work?
Dr. Mays - I think it might.

     It worked.  Dr. King became even more dedicated to his faith, church, and ministry.   And there were other days when he refused to give up on his faith.  When the porch was blown off his house.  When he was stabbed.  When he was arrested.   Whenever someone was injured or died for the sake of the Civil Rights movement.  Throughout the tough days of his life he refused to give up on his faith.  His faith in God, himself and his dream.
     So what is the take away?  What is the call to action?   The take away is that the most important days in our lives are the day we were born, the day we die, the day we dedicate ourselves to a  dream,  and the days we refuse to give up our faith.
     So the call to action is simply to keep the faith in your dreams, to refuse to give up.  And then to do something to extend the dreams.  Your personal dreams and the dream of Dr. King.  May we keep the Dream all the days of our lives.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Creating Thoughtforms or Magick Egregores

     Pinocchio, the Velveteen Rabbit, The Golem, Pygmalion.   These are all stories and legends about artificial lifeforms.  Artificial lifeforms have been called servitors, egregores. artificial elementals, and various other terms.
      Some are consciously made like corporations, societies, and churches.  Some are not like poltergeists.  Some it is hard to tell, like music, novels, and  characters.
     They all start with a thought.  They all eventually take on a life of their own.  A life that can last beyond the life of the founder(s).  They can evolve over time.  Would Ford recognize his company now?   Or John Wesley his church?
      I  first became aware of servitors in the works of Al Manning.  He wrote a lot of books for Parker/Reward which  I think has been bought and sold so many times that it no longer exist.  (An egregore that may no longer live.)  Servitors were used as personal helper.  Watchers to spy on people and wards to guard things and places.  The tombs of the Pharaohs may have been protected by such methods.
    My favorite book about servitor creation is "Summoning Spirits, the Art of Magical Evocation" by Konstantinos.  There is no shortage of literature on this subject.  Too much to list here.
     You can organize your staff of egregores like a cabinet or a corporate staff. Ideas for servitors can come from spell books.  The servitors that work the best for me are  the ones that work on me.  On my personality.  Helping me to shape my character.  The only limits are in one's imagination.
    Well, that is enough for now.  Perhaps more later.

People's Capitalism

Let's say your corporation needed a government bailout.  A bank, auto maker etc.   Let's say that in order to get a bailout your corporation had to give ten per cent of your stock to a federal agency to be held in trust for the American people.  Let's say that the agency got to appoint one director to your board.  let's say that in lieu of taxes your company paid dividends directly into the US treasury.  Let's say this arrangement lasted in perpetuity.
      That would be a powerful incentive not to screw up.  Just saying.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where to next?

     I am at another crossroads.  Not a physical one, but an emotional one.   What is my next step?  I think it will include some more psychology and energy medicine.   And of course spirituality.
     More psychology.   I want to review some of the old material on Transactional Analysis and Codependency.  I want to make sure my head is on straight.  And I am still learning stuff about myself and others.  I suppose that doesn't stop until I am dead. And maybe not even then.  I want to learn stuff and techniques that will take me to the next level.  This includes....
     Energy medicine.  I have done a lot with Reiki, Pranic Healing, and EFT.  I feel like I am at zero.  Born again with the slate wiped clean.  So it is like starting over.   I have erased some of my old belief structures and the new ones are not fully in place.  So back to the old methods and hopefully some new ones to keep me going on my path, which is one of ....
     Spirituality.   The ancient questions of where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do still linger.  I know I am supposed to be in some kind of ministry.  To be a champion and conveyor of encouragement.  In a church?  In a seminar?  Still trying to figure it out.  And where the hell I am supposed to be?  Texas, Georgia, California.   I can't seem to be able to break out of Texas.  The Georgia of my past no longer exists.  And the energy in California felt so good.  Yet jobs and housing are so dear.   So it must be a fourth place I am supposed to move to.  Need to do some work to find out.  And I need to stop trusting people who keep trying to shove their own theology down my throat.   I need to keep developing my own theology.
    So here I am, a little confused about what to do next.  Yet hopeful that the next step will be in the right direction.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why Enoch327?

When  I finally got on the internet somewhere around the turn of the millennium, I wanted a name that was me.  What I was about.  I wanted a name that could be as interfaith as possible and religious as possible.  I chose Enoch.
     Enoch is important to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Masons, and Magicians.  Enoch predates Abraham and may have been borrowed from the older Mesopotamian cultures.  There is also a tie in to Egypt.  Enoch may have been an ancient astronaut.  So Enoch is important to many people, I couldn't find a name that was more so.
     Enoch means devoted or dedicated.   I have always tried to be.  Enoch means initiated.  I claim some but not all initiations.  So it is a name that indicates I am growing closer to Spirit.
      Enoch has several titles.  As Metatron,  he is the Chancellor of heaven, the Prince of the Presence, the chief archangel, the governor of earth.   He has also been called the King of the Phoenixes, librarian of heaven, and Keeper of Wisdom.  Supposedly he wrote 365 books.   He started cities and thus civilization.
     Enoch has been connected to gods, angels and humanity.  He is a Saint. He may have been a priest and king.  But I think the most important reason why I chose Enoch as a name is that simple line from the Bible.  "Enoch walked with God."  I can think of no better epitaph.
      The 327 part has to do with March 27.  Certain things happened that day and I made certain decisions that day.   One of my first jobs was at a store that was numbered 327.  The rent on my first apartment was 327 dollars a month.
     So I am Enoch327.  At last count there were three of us on the internet.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I am being ordained by the ULC

I am being ordained by the Universal Life Church.  Again another organization out of California.  At 3:40 pm local time on June 10, 2012, I submitted my application.  It will take a couple of days for them to approve and ordain me.   I already feel as though I am part of the Church.  I don't think this will interfere with my membership in Astara or the Church of the Larger Fellowship, Unitarian Universalist.  So it is another step in my spiritual progression.  Serving Spirit and honoring humanity.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Top Ten Critical Choices

Question from the book Self Matters by Dr. Phil McGraw.  (My answers 2006)
1. Moving out 1989
2. Going to North Georgia College 1984
3.Running for Class President 1981
4. Choosing to figure myself out 1986
5. Moving to Texas 1997
6. Emotionally shutting down my senior year of high school. 1982
7. Going to Gainesville Jr. College 1984
8. Going to UGA 1986
9. Dropping out of UGA 1990
10, Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior 1984

As of 2012 there are some additions I would like to make.
1. Attending Perimeter Presbyterian Church 1990.
2, Joining First Baptist Church Atlanta 1992?
3. Deciding to become a minister 1996.
4. Losing faith in Christ 2000.
5. Joining Spiritual Life Church and becoming an officer-lay minister 2002
6. Joining First Church of Divine Science, Houston and serving on the platform 2004.
7. Going to support groups 1989.
8. Going to work for Sam's Club 2001.
9. Going to work for Sear's 1986.
10. Going to California 2011

There are others but I am trying to limit myself to ten.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Four "S" Steps to Spiritual Development

      Most if not all of us want to grow spiritually.  There are many ways and methods of doing this.  I have found that there are several common concepts in virtually all ways.  The four concepts I want to discuss are Silence, Study, Service, and Sacrifice.  These four are not the comprehensive list. And these four blend into each other.
     So silence is first on my list, but it doesn't have to be.   Do you have a quiet time?  A time to meditate,  pray, or just simply sit?  It is incredibly important. Have you  made friends with PAM?  Praying, affirming, and meditating.  PAM can help you MAP out your life.  If only for five minutes a day. Even if you have to hide in the bathroom.
     Study is next, or maybe it should be first.  What and how do you read?  You don't always have to read spiritual books to grow spiritually.  There are ways to read other books spiritually.  The universe sometimes hides lessons in all kinds of books.  They are there if you look for them.  Then I guess one should read seriously sometimes and for fun at other times.  Also books are not the only thing worth study. People, nature, events all can be studied.  So crack open a park or a mall and learn.
     So we have sit and read.  Now it is time to serve.  You have a ministry.  Perhaps you are a secret minister like me.  You encourage others without advertising.  You pick up the paper on the sidewalk, even when no one is around.  You say prayers for people and never let them know.  Yes, service is a method of developing ourselves spiritually.
    Then there is the big "S".   Sacrifice.  Giving to the point of discomfort because you know it will push you beyond your comfort zone.  Giving of time and money and energy.  WOW!  Maybe skipping a meal once month to have some money to give to charity.  Maybe setting the alarm 30 minutes early so you can have that quiet time.  Baby sitting so a mother or father or both can have a couple of hours of free time.
     All of these S's will help you grow spiritually.  There's another S and that is selection.  You get to choose how you go about developing spiritually.  Then the final S would be satisfaction.   If you utilize the four S's to grow spiritually you will garner a great deal of satisfaction.  Simple?  No.  Worth trying?  Yes.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bringing Back the Bible

     North Carolina has decided to bring back the Biblical definition of marriage.  One man and as many wives and concubines as he can afford.   Why stop there?  Let's bring back the Biblical method of divorce.  Let a man take his wife to the town square and announce three times "I divorce you."  At that point she has to go back to her family with nothing.  No alimony, no property, no child support.  And if she was caught in adultery, then her husband gets to stone her.  And if the husband has committed adultery, he gets stoned too.  Let's make it mandatory that man who has been divorced should never be allowed to be a minister.  So long John Osteen and the church you founded.  So long Charles Stanley and your TV ministry.
     But why stop there? Let's bring back the Biblical practice of slavery.   Let a man own a slave and then release him after 49 years, with the option of buying him back.  Jesus knew about slavery and never condemned it, thereby condoning it by his silence.
    But why stop there?  Let's bring back the Biblical practice of capital punishment.  Let a child who disobeys his parents be stoned.  Let a person who works on Sunday (like at Walmart) be stoned.  Let a woman who wears a wool silk blend jacket be stoned.
     But why stop there?  Because we all stop there.  We all pick and choose the Bible verses we will follow and not follow.  It has been done for centuries by everyone from the pope on down.  Do we immerse or sprinkle?  Do we speak in tongues or not?  Do cut off our arms and gouge out our eyes, because that is what Christ commanded, or not?
       Be careful, North Carolina, you shall be judged by the judgement you measure out.  And by the compassion you withhold.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seven Days To Creation

I like having a theology or philosophy based on the seven days of the week.  The Bible says that God created the world in seven days so there must be something to it.  My week starts on Saturday and ends on Friday. Many ancient cultures had the same idea.  Many modern business have the same idea.
     So let's start with Saturday.  Named for Saturn.  To me, Saturn has to do with wisdom.  In other words smart knowledge as redundant as that sounds.  Not just information, but knowing how best to apply that information.  So our creation starts with wisdom.
     Next comes Sunday, the power day.  Power that leads.  Power that makes strong.  Power that fills the tank a whole week.  But wisdom and power are nothing  with out emotion.
    Monday is the day for emotion.  Blue Mondays, etc.  We can choose the emotions we feel  this day.  Peace, faith, love are some positive emotions.  Or we can choose negative.  Either way emotions are energies in motion.  So our creation has wisdom, power and emotion.  What next?
      Mars is next.  Tuesday.   Mars is the planet of motivation, courage, action, and war.  It is how we get things done.  How the ball stays rolling.  Commitment, determination and persistence are all words of Mars.  So our creative process now includes Mars.
   Which is followed by Mercury.  Wednesday is the day of commerce, communication and transportation.  A day of flexibility.  The day we make adjustments to our creation.  Add new or more information.  A day to recalibrate  if needed.
   Thursday is Jupiter's day.  The day of abundance.  This is the day we multiply our efforts.  The adjustments of yesterday become the increased production of today.  So what is left?
   To keep our creation we appreciate it.  That is Friday, the day of Venus.  To take something  for granted is to start to loose it.  So we relish our creation in order to keep it and maintain it.
     We have an idea for a restaurant.  Sat. we gather the best information on how to start and run one.  Sunday we gather our resources (powers).  Monday we back our restaurant with the strongest emotion we can muster, hopefully love.  Tuesday we get into action.  Wednesday we make modifications and improvements.  Thursday we start leasing franchises.  And Friday we express our gratitude for our chain of eateries.
     Seven days of creation.   Good enough for God.   Good enough for me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cars I have owned

1970 Buick Skylark. If only I could have replaced the engine.
1970 Plymouth Valiant.  Slant six engine. Best engine of its size.
1975 Chevy Monte Carlo. Doors and windows from hades
1986 Chevy Cavalier.  Bought new.  Totaled-not my fault.
1986 Chevy Cavalier.  Bought new.  2 door sporty car.
1994 Ford Escort. Bought new. (Chevy dealership out of Cavaliers.)
1975 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham.  My brief second car.  Needed a lot of work.
1998 Ford Ranger.  Bought used. Expanded cab with jump seats.
2005 Toyota Tacoma.  Bought new.  My favorite vehicle so far.
I love Toyota and GM.  What can I say?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What I Know about Allergies so far

     Imagine you own a house.  You have  two dogs.  A small one and a large one.  Whenever there is a threat the small dog goes out to investigate.  The little dog barks, if the threat goes away the little dog comes in.  No problem.  If the threat stays the little dog comes in and the big dog goes out to bark.  Most of the time the threat goes away.  If it doesn't then that is the beginning of an allergy.
     Let's say the threat is  a wolf.  The large dog comes in and alerts you that the wolf is planning to come back with his pack.  He tells you that more large dogs are needed to protect the house.  So you go out and get 11 more dogs.  To support them you work a second job.  Now when you come home after 12 or 14 hours of work you still have to take care of the 13 dogs.  That is how the allergy wears you down.
    The wolves are allergens (pollen) and the dogs are your immune system.  The wolves have no teeth or claws but your dogs don't know that.  So the troops line up for a battle that doesn't have to be fought.
     Let's go back.  Allergies were virtually unknown until  1800.  Then something happened.  Was it the industrial revolution?  The revolution of agriculture?  No.  It was the revolution of hygiene.  People got clean.  First the rich, then the middle class, and then the poor.  The same way that allergies manifested themselves.  We got too clean for our own good.
     Only children and oldest children are more prone to allergies than other children.  Older children go out and get exposed to a full dose of allergen.  They come back into the house and give a small, inoculating dose to the other children in the house.  The small children have a chance to develop immunity to allergies.  My big brother protected me for a long time.  But he wasn't around when I got to Texas.  So I have allergies now.
     They say local grown honey will give you a chance to develop an immunity to whatever allergens are in the area.  Bees fly through the air and pick up small amounts of allergens, which they incorporate into the honey.
     So that is what I know about allergies so far.  I am indebted to Jonathan Brostoff's book on Hay Fever, which I am halfway through.  More to come.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Three Grandmothers

     I had three grandmothers.  Well not really.  I had one grandmother I knew.  One I never knew.  And a Great Aunt who took the place of the grandmother who died 12 years before  I was born.
     My "Mamaw" Keith was the one I knew.  She was a great lady and very spiritual.  She liked to say that she had six grandchildren and she loved all of them the same.  Yet she adapted her love to our needs.  She saved the Clinton Courier for my mom so my mom could read it on the weekends.  Very sweet and kind lady.
     My father's mother was bitten by a rabid fox and died 12 years before my birth.  Even so I felt a connection. She took French and I took French.  The story of how she died is amazing.  Actually there are two stories.  A sanitized version and a more accurate one.
   My great aunt Sarah Lou Trentham was like a grandmother to me.  As a little kid, I called her aunt Sir Lou.  She didn't seem to mind.  She could cook from scratch a homemade breakfast about as fast as it would take to microwave a frozen breakfast.  Also very sweet and spiritual.
     So that is an introduction to my three "grandmothers".  I will write more about them by and by.

Names and Dates to Remember.

Sarah Lou Trentham (nee Wise) 4-20-02 to 10-   -83.
Marshall Trentham 6-28-00 to 6-  - 78.
Benjamin Theodore Keith 6-14-08 to 7-8-88.
Nell Rose Keith (nee Trentham) 4-20-08 (06) to2-  -87.
Virgil Edmonds 7-16-06 to 3-25-93.
Ruby Grace Edmonds (Nee Hill) 10-11-12 to 11-12-53.
William Edmonds 6-20-1863 to 3-25-1935.
Nannie Belle Edmonds Lewis 7-1-1889 to 7-28-1959.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin Murder and Cover up

All the details are not known.  Hopefully more will come out.  So that we will know the truth.
Supposedly, Trayvon's body was left in a morgue for three days.  Three days for the body to grow cold and the trail to grow cold. Three days to cover up a murder.
    I wish we had more information.  I wish we could see what the GPS systems in either or both of  cellphones saw.  Would they show Trayvon trying to get back to his Dad's house and being blocked from getting there?  Would they show Zimmerman chasing Trayvon after being told not to?
    I wish we had more information.  I wish we had the conversations between Zimmerman and Trayvon.  Did Zimmerman identify himself as the captain of the neighborhood watch?  Was Trayvon allowed to explain that he was a guest of his father and that his father owned a home there?  I wonder if Zimmerman offered to walk Trayvon back to his house and to meet his father to confirm  Trayvon's story?
     I wish we new what the police officers were thinking when they let Zimmerman go and decided Trayvon was a John Doe even with a cellphone that could have quickly led to his identification.  I wonder why they wanted three days space between the death and the discovery of the death.  Time for Zimmerman's "wounds" to heal?  Time for Trayvon's body to deteriorate so that more evidence could evaporate?  I wonder why they decided not to talk to witnesses and Trayvon's girlfriend?  Yet they wanted Trayvon's school records.  It doesn't make sense.  Unless there was a cover up.
   If I were the Gov. of Florida I would suspend the entire Sanford police force.  I would have the national guard and state troopers patrol the streets of that city.  And I would tell the national guard to keep one eye on the state troopers.
     It was racism and it was murder and there was a coverup.  Somebody tell me that a white guy in a hoodie would have been  labeled a John Doe and hidden away for three days.  Somebody tell me that the Sanford PD had a disdain for all shooting victims.
    I could be wrong.  Somebody please tell me that justice wasn't shot that night.  Somebody, anybody?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Healing Class Ideas.

I think I would like the class to be composed of ten modules.  So basically a ten week or ten part class.   People could take it more than once if they wanted more than one healing.
1.  Healing and the modality of prayer.
2. The healing modality of NLP and hypnosis.
3. The healing modality of eft.
4. The healing power of diet and exercise.
5.  The healing power of eft.
6. The healing power of pranic healing and laying on of hands.
7. The healing power of vision boards.
8.  The healing power of meditation and visualization.
9.  The healing modality of rational thinking.
10.  The healing power of forgiveness and conclusion.

Thoughts on Ohio School Shooting

This blog may be premature, for clearly all the facts are not in.  But let me proceed anyway.  There have been varied reports about the shooter whose name has just been released. (So evidently  he is to be tried as an adult.)
    One report says he had been bullied.  What we know for sure was that he was isolated, either by his choosing to be a loner or by being ignored by his peers.  There is no excuse for his murdering three people and injuring countless others.  I am counting emotional injuries here.  But there is a part of me that wonders if a little respect wouldn't have prevented this tragedy.
     When I moved to Alpharetta Ga., I was invited to joined the MLO club.  MLO stood for Milton Liberation Organization.  Milton was the name of the High School.  The MLO club was for outsiders who had moved into the area.  There were alot of us and we stuck together.  The MLO club basically helped me become president of the junior class.  The point is that we were outsiders who found respect and appreciation amongst ourselves.
      We had smokers at Milton High School.  They were another group of outsiders.  During pep rallies they would sit high up in the bleachers when the rest of us would sit by  classes beneath them. They were a class unto themselves. The smokers actually won the spirit stick for being the loudest in the pep rally. The cheerleaders gave them their due. Yes a little respect goes along away.
     I had a classmate at my first high school that was a trouble maker. I was in at least two of his classes.  So I knew he was a trouble maker.  But in earth science he was no bother. The teacher gave him a strange kind of respect.  She would look at him and say "Junior, you are rotten to the core."  Junior would smile. And behave himself, for that class at least.  Yes, a little respect goes along way.
    Now, we don't know the full details of what was going on in Ohio.  But there is no such thing as wasted respect.  If I had children I would try to teach them to respect everyone, even and especially if they don't like them.   When Leo Buscaglia  was chided for loving everyone his come back was "Who should I leave out?"  My question today is who should we leave out of the loop of respect?

In Peace, Love, and Light,

Thursday, February 9, 2012


His name was Mike.  No one wanted to work with Mike.  Mike was nuts.  He used to sneak up on his work station.  He would hide behind a shelf.  He would look around to make sure the coast was clear.  Then he would go to his work station and commence work.
    One day the foreman asked me if I would work with Mike.  I said sure.  I had heard that Mike had gone through a lot of therapy and I wanted to learn.   So we would work and talk and work and talk.  The foreman walked by with a funny look on his face.  Like maybe I was nuts too.  He might've been right.
     Mike and his stepmother had been counseled by numerous therapists representing most of the various schools of psychology.  So I got to learn from Mike about all of that.  About what had worked and what didn't work.  Most of the details I have forgotten,  but I will never forget the talk we had about babies.
     "Mike", I said, "How come you and your wife don't have any babies?"
     "Scott",  he said. "It's like this, My wife is my baby and I am her baby.  We take care of each other."
And I thought to myself what a great answer.  Not everyone is meant to have children.  For some people taking care of themselves is a challenge.  If they can find some one to mutually care for then so much the better.
    I quit that job to go back to school.  The factory eventually closed and I lost track of Mike.  But in my heart of hearts I know he and his baby are taking care of each other.  So thanks Mike.  Thanks for the conversation and the wisdom.  Now I've got to look around and make sure the coast is clear.  Okay, back to work.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Buckets of God

      Imagine a lake surrounded by buckets of water.  Each bucket is labeled according to a mindset.   Atheism, agnosticism, all the forms of Christianity, all the world religions.  There are small buckets for small independent groups.
      I am standing in front of a bucket where the label is damaged.  There is note that I can read it says: "Thou shalt have no other bucket than me.  I am the only bucket.  The lake behind me is a Satanic illusion."  I go to another bucket.  It says "Lucifer tried to place his bucket in the lake.  He was sent to Hell for all eternity."
    Well I abide by my bucket's admonition.  On hot days I take some water out to cool myself.  It works for awhile.  Some days the water runs low, but it refills slowly.  What I really want to do is splash in the lake behind my bucket.  Do I risk losing the water in my bucket for what may be an illusion?
      I have been looking for a reality that is bigger than all the arguments about God and over God. Bigger than concepts about God.  Bigger than concepts.  The closest I have come is something I am calling "Infinite Light".  The infinite light doesn't care if we call it God or not.  It doesn't even care if we call it.   It doesn't care if we find it or not.  It just is.
     So yes I am going behind my bucket to see what is there.  If I am wrong, well there are still a lot of half empty buckets laying around.  But don't be surprised if you hear a splash.

In Peace, Love, and Light,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Changes life into life.

I was reviewing my private journal for the past two years.  It is like there was two or three of me.  I discovered EFT and changed jobs.  I went to California.  I joined toastmasters.  My theology has been informed and expanded.  I have discovered Milton Erickson's works.  I found Pranic Healing.  My presence on  the internet is growing.  I am exercising regularly. My health feels great.  
     So what is next?  I still want to leave Texas. I still have it in my head that I will start a church.  A new type of church where people are encouraged to study everything. A place where everyone (including me) can continue to grow spiritually.  Texas has been closed doors and crushed dreams.  Crushed but not obliterated.  All the bad things in Texas are my fault according to ministers from two  traditions I no longer follow.  Simply by moving here I created Texas.
     So it is back to square one again.  I  feel empowered.  And I will keep working on myself and my dreams until I die and maybe beyond.

In Light, Love, and Liberty.